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Mar 24, 2022, 14 tweets

#BREAKING North Korea fires an "unidentified projectile", the South's military says

#UPDATE North Korea has fired an "unidentified projectile" , South Korea's military says, the latest in a series of provocations by the nuclear-armed nation.

Japan's coastguard issued a warning to vessels over a "potentially ballistic missile possibly launched from North Korea"

#BREAKING Possible North Korean missile lands 170km off north Japan: coast guard

#BREAKING North Korean ballistic missile landed in exclusive economic zone of Japan: defence official

#UPDATE A suspected North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile has landed within Japan's exclusive economic zone, minister Makoto Oniki says.

"Given the ballistic missile this time around flew at an altitude of over 6,000 km... the one today is believed to be a new ICBM"

#BREAKING North Korea fired intercontinental ballistic missile: South Korean president

#UPDATE North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Thursday, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said, the first time Pyongyang has launched such a powerful weapon since 2017

Map showing the North Korea missile launch on March 24.
#AFPgraphics @AFP

#BREAKING Japan PM calls North Korea ICBM launch 'outrageous, unforgivable'

#UPDATE Factfile on North Korea's missile arsenal
#AFPgraphics @AFP

#UPDATE Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has condemned North Korea's launch of a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile that landed in his country's exclusive economic zone as an "outrageous, unforgivable" act

#BREAKING White House 'strongly condemns' North Korea missile launch

#UPDATE The United States strongly condemned the launch as a violation of Security Council regulations that "needlessly raises tensions and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region"

#UPDATE North Korea fired what could be its largest-ever intercontinental ballistic missile Thursday, Tokyo and Seoul said, a dramatic return to long-range testing that sparked outrage from neighbours and the United States
@sungheehwang & @cat_barton

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