I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

Mar 25, 2022, 12 tweets


#WHY do so many focus so much on ONLY the negative/evil/Darkness? ..

Everyone should know [THEIR] symbolism & be able to see clearly on not only where all the darkness stems from

But also should be able to see WHO all of [Them] are by now.
Once you see WHO is WHO, choose to forgive & move on with your life like there is no [Them], Helping create A future for the children KNOWING Justice will be served …

OR ..

Choose to stay stuck within wicked ways

Of judging others/[Them] & you yourself will be judged the Very same ways YOU chose to judge ..
The images I’m posted have absolutely NOTHING to do with “evil symbolism” as I was stating above, I’m showing THE LIGHT side of things & WHY they were created as they were ..


Karma is A Funny Thing, those who know they have wronged others or have something to hide, they’re all very easy to see ..

Those who are their true authentic selves being the very BEST versions of themselves are the individuals often rejected by society, judged

Or ones who so many attack the most.. #WHY do you think this is?

#WHY do so many choose to be #BLIND ? …

That car post made of A car flying down the street hitting A big air, One of my friends posted it rhe other day, All markers of things that will happen in the future

before the future becomes the present …
It could be as small as A Twitter Tweet or as BIG as A world event, there are many among everyone that are much more than what meets the eye .. They’re here to walk alongside 1 individual who chooses to love the world unconditionally..

The World is about to change & there are events that are supposed to take place in the near future I will be posting about soon, they’re SUBJECT TO CHANGE …

All the collective has to do is turn away from their wicked ways.

Those who have created this ginormous mess the

World has been going through, they’re seeing Justice from the Military & there is nothing that can stop it.

Again, Focus on whatever it is you choose to focus on, whatever it is you choose, take accountability when ones find out they chose to focus on all the wrong things,

It affects others around you. .

Those who are ready to unchain their minds and hearts, having hearts of beating flesh & not STONE COLD hearts, move forward with the PUREST OF INTENSIONS focusing on nothing but the light not worrying about darkness/evil or [Their{ symbolism.

Yes, continue TEACHING others who are waking up, continue SHOWING those what is really going on NOT FEARING the #WHY … BECAUSE #WHY everything is happening as it is, it shows everyone who is who..

The light has done all they have for 1 individual, showing their LOVE & Dark

Has done all [They] have MOCKING that 1 individual..
[THEY] continued to think little to no one would get it or believe anything being shown ..

Well, it’s time for PUDDIN’—Eat your #MEAT & Spit Out The Bone ! ..

Dates & Times, They Matter ..

Incoming ..

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