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Mar 25, 2022, 37 tweets

🔴Zelensky has said that Europe acted "a little too late" to stop Russia from invading Ukraine, claiming countries should have sanctioned Moscow and blocked the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline earlier

Keep up with the latest updates here👇…

🔴Russian forces fired two missiles late on Thursday at a Ukrainian military unit on the outskirts of Dnipro, regional emergency services said…

🇬🇧Britain will double its troops in Eastern Europe and send a new deployment to Bulgaria, after Nato leaders on Thursday agreed to strengthen the alliance’s eastern flank against Russian aggression.


➡️Biden will travel to a town near the Polish-Ukrainian border on today as solidarity is tested…

🔴 NEW: Shelling of Chernobyl nuclear plant staff sparks UN alarm

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

Ukraine morning briefing:
1⃣Two missile strikes hit Ukrainian military unit
2⃣Ukraine is reoccupying defensive positions
3⃣Hundreds of thousands 'forcibly removed' to Russia
4⃣Gas shipments to help wean Europe off Russian energy…

🔴Russian shelling hit a clinic that was acting as a centre for humanitarian aid in the eastern city of Kharkiv, killing four people, the regional police has said…

➡️The US and EU announced a task force Friday aimed at reducing Europe's reliance on Russian fossil fuels in the face of Moscow's war on Ukraine…

🔴Through social media, The Telegraph contacted some of the remaining Mariupol residents who have either left in recent days or remain trapped.

One claimed they had been forced to eat a stray dog to stave off hunger

Read this piece in full here👇…

🔴Grant Shapps has said that he has arranged to take in a family of Ukrainian refugees who contacted him on Facebook…

➡️The northern Ukrainian city of Chernihiv has in effect been cut off by Russian forces, the regional governor has said.

Around 150,000 people are stuck in the city with scarce supplies after Russia cut them off Kyiv…

🔴 NEW: ‘At least 300’ dead in Mariupol theatre bombing.

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🎥Mariupol drive-by shows extent of damage after month of conflict…

🔴Russia appears to have lost more troops than Ukraine so far in the war, and has killed more civilians than Ukrainian soldiers, initial data suggests.

Look at which cities and towns have the highest death tolls reported so far👇…

🎙️#Ukraine Twitter Space: 1pm 🎙️

@djknowles22 will be joined by @VerityBowman, @FrancisDearnley and @DomNicholls

Set a reminder 👇…

Some 20,100 visas have been issued under the Ukraine family scheme as of 5pm on Thursday, the Home Office said.

➡️So far 35,500 applications have been submitted, according to provisional data published on the department's website…

🔴The United States has "no intention" of using chemical weapons under any circumstance even if Russia uses such weapons in Ukraine, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has said…

Ukraine lunchtime briefing:
1⃣Military chaplain killed in Russia by Ukrainian rocket
2⃣Shelling of Chernobyl nuclear plant staff sparks UN concern
3⃣‘At least 300’ dead in theatre bombing
4⃣Russian forces pushed more than 20 miles away from Kyiv…

🔴In a video statement, presidential advisor Oleksiy Arestovych said Ukraine forces had "killed commander of the 49th Russian Southern District Army, General Yakov Ryazantsev, in a strike on Chornobayivka near Kherson"…

🔴Putin has appeared to draw comparisons between JK Rowling and his country, accusing the West of “progressive discrimination of everything to do with Russia”

Read more here👇…

🔴Polish President Andrzej Duda will be late meeting Biden this afternoon, because the plane transporting him to the south-east of the country had to turn back and make an emergency landing in Warsaw…

🇺🇦The northern Ukrainian city of Chernihiv has been cut off by Russian forces, with its besieged population now enduring what local officials describe as a “humanitarian catastrophe”…

⚠️Russia will now focus its main war effort on the "complete liberation" of the eastern Donbas region, the chief of the Russian army has said…

🇺🇸 Joe Biden is prepared to use nuclear weapons in "extreme circumstances" after abandoning plans to drastically water down US policy…

Ukrainian rock band, Antytila, has offered to perform alongside Ed Sheeran via video link from Kyiv at an upcoming concert to raise money for Ukraine.

The band were armed and wearing battle fatigues when they appealed to Sheeran in a video on social media…

🔴 Poland’s offer to send fighter jets to Ukraine is “still on the table,” the Polish deputy foreign minister said on Friday…

📴 Apple has suspended its Apply Pay service for Russia's Mir card payment system, closing a loophole that had allowed Russians to keep using the digital payment service.

Apple initially restricted the use of Apple Pay in Russia on March 1…

📴 Spotify has suspended services in Russia.

A spokesperson for the platform said: "After carefully considering our options and the current circumstances, we have come to the difficult decision to fully suspend our service in Russia"…

🔴 Russian forces have destroyed a major fuel depot outside Kyiv in a missile strike, Russia's defence ministry claimed on Friday…

🔴 The US sees Russia focusing on eastern Ukraine's Donbas region, rather than the capital Kyiv, in what could be an effort to cut off Ukrainian forces in the area from the rest of the country…

🔴 NEW: Kremlin to focus on 'complete liberation' of Donbas region…

🔴 Ukrainian civilians are being abducted and transported into regions controlled by Russia.

The invading force struggles to quell resistance in captured towns, the UN said…

🔴 Ukrainian forces have launched a counter-offensive in Kherson, the only major city currently under the control of Russian troops, making it once again "contested", a senior US defence official has said…

🔴 Vladimir Putin has signed into law a bill that condemns people who publish "fake" information about Russia's military operations abroad to face jail time of up to 15 years…

🗣 Russia uses "old methods of warfare", the head of Ukraine's defence intelligence agency said Friday.

"The Ukrainian army has shown that the Russian army as the second army in the world is a big myth, and it's just a medieval concentration of manpower"…

🔴 The Foreign Office has apologised after it accidentally shared the email addresses of dozens of Ukrainian people seeking refuge in Britain.

The leak occurred when it delivered a mass email asking relevant parties if they had been able to leave Ukraine…

🔴NEW: Ukrainian forces launch counter-offensive in Russian-controlled Kherson…

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