Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Mar 25, 2022, 6 tweets

Today hundreds - mostly high school & college students - held a @Fridays4future #PeopleNotProfit marched in DC to hold Biden accountable to promises to combat climate change.

"What do we want? A Green New Deal! When do we want it? Now!"

"Save the Earth! It's not too late!"

There had been anxiety that the #PeopleNotProfit climate march might come in contact with #PeoplesConvoy participants.

One PNP marcher confronted a PC driver with a sign reading "Fascist losers out of DC."

"God bless all of you," said the driver. "We parade for your freedom."

"They have a permit for Union Square" an MPD officer told USCP Lt. Ryan Schauf as the climate activists arrived at the Capitol.

Lt. Schauf shook an organizer's hand and gave him instructions as they entered Capitol grounds without issue.

"We are teachers and students, baristas and busboys. We are truckers and attorneys... We are everything under the sun," says Anna, organizer of @Fridays4future.

"And we all have the common interest in living the rest of our lives supported by our government and thus our planet."

AmericanU student / Sunrise Mvmt activist Kennedy Smith says corporations create "this false sense of choice" that "binds us to believing what kills our planet is good for us."

"Humanity is not the problem when it comes to climate culture, but our culture of over consumption."

Here is my full @N2Sreports video summary of today's #PeopleNotProfit @Fridays4future climate march from the White House to the Capitol in Washington DC.

As always, all my footage is available to license!

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