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In 2018 I created an ongoing #ClimateEd thread about the #ClimateCrisis.

Five years later, it's time for an update.✅

This #ClimateAction thread has a TON of info to help EVERYONE get #ClimateBrainy about the #science and facts of #climatechange.📊

Save, share and visit often! Image
Here's the old thread, which I'll no longer be updating:

It still contains MANY informative articles and links from reputable sources, so it's worth revisiting, even if some info isn't all that up-to-date.

The old tag was #Climate_Ed.

New: #ClimateEd👍
This NEW thread will contain PLENTY of top-tier posts from MANY solid #climatescience contributors, so come back regularly to see what's been added.

#Climatebrawl folks especially, as you can use these posts to #refute #deniers handily.

Don't argue with any trolls, however! 🧌 Image
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Laut Ampel können wir uns das #9EuroTicket nicht länger leisten. Aber stimmt das überhaupt? 🤔💸

Um das zu beurteilen, haben wir uns die Frage gestellt, wie genau unser Geldsystem funktioniert.

Ein Thread. 🧵

#PeopleNotProfit #100MrdfürsKlima #GenugistGenug #Geld #Inflation
Wir Bürger*innen müssen erst #Geld einnehmen, bevor wir dieses ausgeben können. Die Einnahmen des einen sind allerdings auch die Ausgaben des anderen¹. Wenn jede*r vor einer Ausgabe erst Geld einnehmen muss, stellt sich die Frage: Woher kommt das Geld eigentlich? 🤔💸
Damit Geld in Umlauf gebracht werden kann, muss es also Instanzen geben, die anders funktionieren als private Haushalte und Geld schöpfen können. Diese Instanzen sind Staaten und Banken. 🏦
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Tomorrow, September 30th, is the second National Day for Truth & Reconciliation in Canada. The "Orange Shirt Day" acknowledges survivors of (and those who died in) residential schools. The day was the TRC's Call to Action 80 and made a federal holiday last year. A settler's 🧵.
In the lead up to this year's holiday I was surprised (only a little) by the rapidity of the government's desire to re-embrace the 🇬🇧's colonialism. Particularly when the new sovereign is a religious crusader repeatedly rejecting calls to denounce the Doctrine of Discovery.
The monarch of the UK was accepted as Head of State in Canada without so much as a debate in the House of Commons. I hope that tomorrow causes more people in Canada to pause and think about the de-colonialization of our country and how to achieve Reconciliation in law and life.
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Am 23.09. war wieder globaler #Klimastreik: 280.000 Menschen - allein in Deutschland. #PeopleNotProfit

1/🧵 Sharepic #PeopleNotProfit
Bundesweit haben wir wieder für eine Politik demonstriert, die endlich die bedingungslose Unterstützung der fossilen Profitinteressen beendet...

2/ Klimastreik Impressionen au...
...und stattdessen ein klimagerechtes Miteinander aller Menschen in den Mittelpunkt rückt.

#PeopleNotProfit #Klimagerechtigkeit #LossAndDamage
3/ Klimastreik Impressionen au...
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Ich habe die letzten zwei Tage beim #Danni bzw #DannenröderWald verbracht. Ein Wald, den ich vor etwa 2 Jahren zeitweise mitbesetzt habe und von dem wir große Teile an den #Autokapitalismus verloren haben. Meine Gedanken jetzt..
Die Schneise klafft wie eine riesige Wunde durch den Wald. Dort wo mal Bäume, Sträucher, lebendiger Boden, Tiere und Baumhausbewohnende lebten, stehen Kräne und Maschinen. Mitten im Wasserschutzgebiet gibt es in Zukunft Abgase, Reifenabrieb und Öllecks.
Durch monatelange Trockenheit aufgrund der #Klimakrise funktionieren die ohnehin unzureichenden Aufforstungsmaßnahmen teilweise nicht: Hier ein ausgetrocknetes Nadelbäumchen.

Ich fand es erschreckend, kaum Pilze im Wald zu sehen.
Read 14 tweets
Es folgt ein Aufruf einiger #Scientists4Future an alle Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu den Klimademonstrationen am 23.09.2022. 🧵 #WissenSchafftKlimaschutz #Klimastreik #PeopleNotProfit #100MrdFürsKlima 0/
Liebe Kolleginnen & Kollegen,
manche von euch forschen an komplexen Systemen. Es gibt sie in fast allen Wissenschaftszweigen.
Solche Systeme sind oft erstaunlich resilient. Aber wenn die Belastung zu groß wird, können sie ihren Zustand rasch & grundlegend ändern.
#Klimastreik 1/
Unser mit Abstand wichtigstes System ist das Erdsystem. Wichtige Teilsysteme davon zeigen bedrohliche Anzeichen dafür, Kipppunkte zu erreichen oder bereits zu überschreiten. Das bedroht die Lebensgrundlagen von Millionen. 2/
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I started striking from school on August 20th 2018 ahead of the Swedish general election. It has now been 4 years since then, and a new election is on its way. We are still here, but the climate crisis is still absent from the debate. 1/4
The most affected people from the most affected areas are still being silenced. The people in power still seem to be spending all their time distracting, delaying and denying the necessary changes ahead of us. The emissions of CO2 are not reducing - they are still increasing. 2/4
The world is still expanding fossil fuel infrastructure and pouring astronomical amounts of money into destruction. We are still speeding in the wrong direction. There is indeed a long way ahead of us - but we are still here and we are not planning on going anywhere. 3/4
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School strike week 199. Today, @Malala , @olya_mrd , activists from @Fridays4future & @Riseupmovt came together in Stockholm at our weekly strike, to share and learn about the link between girls’ education and climate action and to stand in solidarity with all Afghan girls. 1/7
A @MalalaFund report from last year estimates that if current trends continue, by 2025 climate change will be a contributing factor in preventing at least 12,5 million girls from completing their education each year. 2/7…
Research shows that countries that have invested in girls’ education have suffered far fewer losses from droughts and floods than countries with lower levels of girls’ education. 3/7
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Bericht von der Ostermarschkundgebung in Frankfurt a.M. am Römer(Südhessen),
Ostermontag, 18.04.22:

Nachdem die Basis höflich, aber explizit vom Platz verwiesen wurde konnte die Veranstaltung kraftvoll und harmonisch beginnen und es gab viele eindrucksvolle Redebeiträge:
Teil 2 Reiner Braun‘s kraftvolle Rede „Sind Sie verückt“ mit dem Papst-Zitat zu 2% und 100 Mrd-Aufrüstungs-Programm, welches ein paar wenigen Profite in die Taschen bringt
3 Reiner Braun in #Frankfurt
„900 Mill. Menschen gehen mit leerem Bauch zu Bett“ - und die Anzahl der hungernden Menschen wird weiter steigen - Kein Verständnis für diese Aufrüstungsspirale
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1/ A month ago, the first-ever global mobilisation for the recognition of #ecocide took place! What happened as citizens, campaigners & elected representatives joined forces to #StopEcocideEverywhere? Read the summary here:… or check out this #thread 👇
2/ Three political advances calling for the recognition of #ecocide as a crime took place that week!
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿in #Scotland:… @MonicaLennon7
🇩🇰 in #Denmark:… @Susanne_Zimmer_
🇮🇸 in #Iceland:… @andresingi
3/ In coordination with @marietouss1's office, we sent letters to the Ministers of Justice & of the Environment in Finland, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Spain and Belgium, asking them to seize the opportunity to recognize & condemn the ecocide in the EU environmental crime directive.
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📢Aujourd’hui, l’ASTM et @Greenpeace_Lux ont présenté leur rapport sur les investissements du Fonds de Compensation en 2020.
"« DIRTY AND DANGEROUS »: Rapport sur la durabilité des investissements du FdC."
💹Par ses investissements, le fonds de pension luxembourgeois alimente la crise climatique et néglige la protection des droits humains.
La finance durable doit tenir compte de la protection du climat et des droits humains !
⏱️Au cours de 2022, le FDC révisera sa stratégie d’investissement pour la période 2023-2028 – une occasion unique d’améliorer de manière significative sa performance en matière de durabilité.
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Today hundreds - mostly high school & college students - held a @Fridays4future #PeopleNotProfit marched in DC to hold Biden accountable to promises to combat climate change.

"What do we want? A Green New Deal! When do we want it? Now!"

"Save the Earth! It's not too late!"
There had been anxiety that the #PeopleNotProfit climate march might come in contact with #PeoplesConvoy participants.

One PNP marcher confronted a PC driver with a sign reading "Fascist losers out of DC."

"God bless all of you," said the driver. "We parade for your freedom."
"They have a permit for Union Square" an MPD officer told USCP Lt. Ryan Schauf as the climate activists arrived at the Capitol.

Lt. Schauf shook an organizer's hand and gave him instructions as they entered Capitol grounds without issue.
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Als Corona ausbrach, dachten wir, jetzt sei der Zeitpunkt, um den Wiederaufbau grün zu gestalten, arme Menschen zu entlasten, die Pflege fair zu entlohnen. Stattdessen wurden fossile Konzerne bedingungslos gerettet, Milliarden Euro in Klimazerstörung gesteckt, 1/x
Menschen in Not vergessen und Pfleger*innen beklatscht.

Jetzt herrscht Krieg, mit unseren Öl- und Gasimporten finanzieren wir jeden Tag den Angriff auf die Ukraine.
Es wäre der Zeitpunkt für einen radikalen Ausstieg aus den fossilen Energien und eine beschleunigte Energie- und Wärmewende. Es wäre der Zeitpunkt für echte soziale Entlastungen für Menschen, die gerade in finanzielle Not geraten.
Read 11 tweets
Stop war, end fossil fuels! #PeopleNotProfit

Parents for Future Newsletter #17 – März 2022

2/ Screenshot Titel Parents fo...
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

„Stop war, end fossil fuels“ – spätestens seit Putins unglaublichem #Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine ist vielen Menschen bewusst geworden, wie eng Klima- und Friedensbewegung zusammengehören. Gleich der erste Artikel widmet sich diesem Thema.

3/ Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,...
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#FridaysForFuture Week 79

What caused this war?A complex question,but #FossilFuels is definitely 1 of the answers.The“danger mode”we’ve all experienced lately is exactly the “Don’t look up!😱" that climate scientists,activists or simply climate-conscious popl experience daily
The climate crisis is a "progressive war".It’s killing us at this moment & it’ll keep killing us.If we don’t tackle it NOW,it’ll mean societal collapse&+wars along the way.We need millions of warriors.If u think u’re not“activist material”,think again.Are u“extinction material”?
PLEASE, join the rebellion NOW to stop all wars! #UprootTheSystem! The clock is ticking! We have less than 8 years/94 months/Or just short of 3,000 days to save all earthlings, present and future!
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We are youth climate activists in #Ukraine and we are scared. The war is escalating by the hour we don't know what will happen next. We make it short:

We need you to be there for us. We are calling on Fridays for Future to protest globally, this Thursday, for an end of this war!
1 We are youth climate activists usually fighting a crisis we didn't cause, now finding ourselves at the frontlines of a war we didn't start.

2 We ask all of our brothers and sisters from Fridays For Future to go on the streets, to demand this war to end, to fight for peace in our name.

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Today the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II has launched a report on impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. But what is it exactly telling us about climate change? 🧵
Climate change is already killing people, destroying nature, and making the world poorer.
Extreme events like heatwaves, floods, droughts & wildfires are becoming more frequent, intense & long-lasting, harming people, infrastructure, and the natural world.
In specific events this means:
Every part of the world is already being hit. Some areas will become uninhabitable.
Damages will accelerate as warming continues, with poorer places most at risk.
The costs of inaction far exceed those of action, as we will face escalating costs.
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What is the 1% and what it has to do with our narrative #PeopleNotProfit 🧵🔥
the 1% refers to porcentage the richest people ON THE WORLD+
Carbon emissions of the richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity.
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What does we mean with #PeopleNotProfit 🧵✨

I'm @re_cabrerab and I will be explaining our narrative 🌻✨

The catastrophic climate scenario that we are living in is the result of centuries of exploitation and oppression through colonialism, extractivism and capitalism +
The ruling class, primarily through corporations and governments from the Global North dominated by affluent, white, heterosexual cis-males, have exercised their power, gained through colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy and exploitation, to destroy the earth+
They deliberately sacrifice the Global South’s ecosystems and peoples for the sake of their so-called “development” and everlasting “economic growth”.Meanwhile, the working classes are used as tools to build the very system that is destroying them.
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Hello Regina Cabrera but you can call me Re 🌻 (@re_cabrerab) pronouns she they
I am an antirracist and antipatriarcal climate activist, for México (@fffmex) ✨and today I will be taking over this account explaining a little bit of our narrative #PeopleNotProfit
✨🧵Here I will be putting all the threads that I make today 🧵✨
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Do you know what the new visual identity of FFF means? It means the movement needs to be less white-european.

We need a more queer-black-brown-indigenous-disabled RADICAL ANTI-COLONIAL movement. The most vulnerable people should not only be included, they should lead. 🧵
Btw, I’m @namevdelang (they/them) from México, and I’m taking over @Friday4Future twitter today. My dad and I did the new artwork and design for Fridays for Future. 🌻🌺

This is the first of 3 threads I’ll do today. Follow my personal account if you feel like it 😌
My dad is Jorge del Ángel. He has been an artist for more than 30 years. Check out some of his work :) ImageImageImageImage
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Yesterday I and three other activists from @FFF_Sweden joined local Sami activists for a manifestation in Gállok. Here, on indigenous land, a British mining company wants to build a mine. That would be a disaster for the climate and environment. 1/4
The Sami communities affected have clearly and repeatedly said no to this mine. We now await the Swedish government’s decision on whether they will allow this to happen or not. 2/4
The short-term profits of a mining company cannot be prioritised over the culture and rights of the Sámi people, as well as our climate, biodiversity and clean air and water.
No matter what the people in power might claim, this mine will not be a part of a “green transition”. 3/4
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