I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

Mar 27, 2022, 8 tweets

MOST in this world have been living their whole lives DEAD INSIDE, Walking around feeling the ways they’re feeling thinking it’s “Normal” to feel the ways they do. . .

Life is about so much more, that feeling of truly KNOWING you’re ALIVE doesn’t come often, but when it

Does—You do whatever it takes to continue LIVING ..

Right before I would land A trick I was battling for hours on end when Skateboarding, I would get this feeling within that NOTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD GIVES, When That feeling came I knew I was going to conquer whatever it was

That was holding me back from LANDING 4 WHEELS DOWN …

It’s Time for the Generations of ‘MISLEAD YOUTH’ to RISE UP & #LIV Again !!
For far to long corruption/Evil of this world has been putting shackles around the minds & Souls of ones [THEY] fear can make An

Enormous difference BEING THE CHANGE this world needs ..

Change = Not to be feared, Which is WHY evil has kept humanity trapped within the same hell loop for MANY years, “living” the same enslaved life as everyones ancestors lived.

Forgiveness = The Power to be able to change

Without allowing too much positive emotions or Negative emotions clouding ones judgements …

There has ALWAYS been A 🖐 Hand REACHING Out, most of the time MORE than half way, the TRUTH wasn’t good enough too those asleep but it is now.



I’m holding onto #LOVE ! …

Take A moment today NOT thinking of the future & forgetting of the past, Take it all away within your mind seeing where you’re at, make that moment last & NEVER forget who you see in the mirror at that moment.
When you hold on

Tight, someone else holds on even tighter ALWAYS making sure YOU get to where YOU were ALWAYS destined to be …

YOU, No matter your age or gender, were meant for GREATNESS …

Greatness Awaits those who choose to be Great.
#BeTheChange !

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