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Mar 29, 2022, 21 tweets

It began as a single phone call from a concerned Florida voter whose party affiliation was switched to Republican w/o her consent. Now there are AG investigations in 3 Fl counties, reports from a 4th, & concerns the entire state may be impacted. My interview of @SenatorTaddeo: 1/

2/ Based on reports of voters having their party affiliation switched to Republican without their consent, formal investigations are underway in 3 Florida counties: Miami-Dade, Duval, & Hillsborough. There have been similar reports in Orange, but as yet no formal investigaion.

3/ On 3/7/22, @SenatorTaddeo and many of her Senate and House colleagues in Florida sent a letter to @DeptJustice requesting a federal investigation. She has not yet heard back, but is requesting a meeting in DC to discuss the data she provided & to push for that investigation.

4/ An organization called Florida First (funded by America First) has been implicated in the unauthorized switching of voters' party affiliations from Democrat (or Independent) to Republican. There is an Arizona First and a Texas First that are somehow related. 😵

5/ Switching voters' party affiliations w/o their consent will prevent those voters from voting in their party primaries. It could also help mask election fraud involving vote tally manipulation to favor the GOP.

6/ @SenatorTaddeo is running for governor, so a scheme to prevent Democratic voters from voting in the primary could impact her own campaign. This is especially true given that she is the first Latina to run 4 governor in FL, & the scheme seems to have targeted Hispanic voters.

7/ " I [also] think that what [Republicans] want is to show all these numbers especially w/ minorities, especially w/ hispanics bc they want to be able to say, 'Oh but look they all registered republican why wld they vote for the Democrat? This has to be fraud.'" - @SenatorTaddeo

8/ @SenatorTaddeo suspects that the schemers' top goal was to ensure that "organizations who come into Florida & help out w/ voter registration," & "get out the vote" & "boots on the ground that they walked away & said, 'Forget it, FL is lost.'" They almost got away with it.

9/ You can listen to the entire interview here. My thanks to @SenatorTaddeo for her important work & for speaking with me. Pls share this info bc even the relatively small amount of media attention thus far (thanks to @CNN) helped unearth more cases. TY.

Many thousands of Florida voters may be impacted by this fraudulent Republican scheme. In Miami-Dade alone, there is an investigation of 6K voter registrations that were suspiciously switched from Democrat (or NPA) to Republican in November & December 2020. - @Annette_Taddeo 10/

Yes! Kudos to @GlennaWPLG for her crucial on the ground reporting and investigative efforts in this matter! 11/

Here is @GlennaWPLG's original groundbreaking report! 12/…

This fraudulent scheme has been going on for "as long as maybe 2 years" & warrants "federal investigation bc this is much bigger than what even I thought & the more that we dig the more we find & I'm very very concerned that this is a concerted effort..." - @Annette_Taddeo 13/

If you are a Florida voter, please double check your voter registration! If you notice that your party affiliation has been changed without your permission, Plz contact @Annette_Taddeo’s office at 850-487-5040. TY. #flapol 15/


17/ Hot off the press. 👀

To stay up to date on this issue, please follow Senator Taddeo at @Annette_Taddeo. Going forward, that’s the account she’ll mostly use to discuss this voter registration fraud story. The other one is her official side/senate business account. Thanks again! #flapol 18/

19/ So this appears to be the same organization involved in the voter registration fraud discovered in March 2020. 👀

20/ I hadn’t thought of this & don’t specialize in polling, but hope others can chime in. Might shifting thousands and thousands of voter registrations change polling results? It seems like it would. 👀 @Earth_Media_ @JonathanSimon14


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