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Human rights movement in Kazakhstan.

Mar 30, 2022, 6 tweets

19 March 2022
NURKANOVA Gulmira, the wife of civil activist #NURKANOV Ruslan, told about the arbitrary detention of her husband in connection with the January events.



On 5 January 2022 at noon employees of the probation service spied on Ruslan and detained him when he went outside. He was tried in the Police Department and sentenced to administrative arrest under Article 488.


On 10 January 2022 Ruslan was released from the temporary detention facility on Stakhanov Street and then taken to the Police Department of Ulan district.

#Magnitsky #NoToCorruption

The activist had been on probation for a term of 1.5 years, but the court decided to keep him in custody for the remaining 3 months and 13 days of his probation.

And since then, Gulmira and the children had not received any information about Ruslan. Only after 23 days, on 2 February 2022 the court allowed Gulmira to visit her husband for 1 hour. Gulmira commented on her visit:

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