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Feb 23rd 2023
On 9 February 2023, civil activist and former political prisoner Orynbay #OKHASOV was at a reporting meeting of the Akim (mayor) of #Uralsk.…
After the meeting was over, Orynbay OKHASOV drove home, but just a couple of minutes later the police patrol stopped Orynbay OKHASOV’S car. The police officers were #DYUSENOV Nurlan Maratovich, #KAIYROV Galamat Galymovich, #KARABASOV Madi Mazhitovich.

The police then broke a window in his car and forcibly took from Orynbay OKHASOV the smartphone which he used to film live the violations of his rights. The police officers roughly dragged him out of the car and put him in the police car, while leaving Orynbay car running.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
On 10 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of Burlinsky District, West #Kazakhstan Region, issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 18 February 2023 in response to a notification submitted by civil activist #BAITEMIROV Yedige. Image
Topic: to register all independent parliamentary candidates and independent parties.
The reason for the politically motivated refusal: the holding of sports events and an agricultural fair on that exact same day, time and place.

A total of 11 refusals to hold peaceful assemblies in February 2023 on the topic of registration of all independent parties and parliamentary candidates were documented.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
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Feb 22nd 2023
On 9 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of #Aktobe city has issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 11 February 2023 in response to a notification submitted by the civil activist #KUZHAKHMETOV S.I.

@ennhri @NorwayMFA @RightsGAC Image
Subject: register all independent candidates for deputies and independent parties.

Reason for politically motivated refusal: incomplete provision of information.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
A total of ten refusals to hold peaceful assemblies on 11-12 February 2023 were issued on the topic of registration of all independent parties and candidates for deputies. Image
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Feb 22nd 2023
9 February 2023

Police officers forcefully detained civil activist Orynbay #OKHASOV. Police officers stopped him in his car. When Orynbay OKHASOV was asked to explain the reason for stopping the car, the police officers said that they "smelled alcohol".
Orynbay OKHASOV’S whereabouts are unknown. Perhaps the authorities want to deprive him of his rights and arrest him in order to intimidate the people before the elections on 19 March 2023.


#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
During the detention, police officers apparently smashed the windows of Orynbay OKHASOV’S car (or a window).

Police officers involved in the detention #DUSENOV Nurlan, #KAIYROV Galamat, #KARABASOV Madi


#IACD2021 #torture
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Feb 22nd 2023
On 6 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of #Almaty issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 12 February 2023 in response to a notification from a member of the organising committee for the creation of the opposition party “Alga #Kazakhstan” Aset #ABISHEV.
Topic: register all independent parliamentary candidates and independent parties.
Reason for the politically motivated refusal: previously agreed events (Article 14, Part 1, Paragraph 10 of the law on the organisation and holding of peaceful assemblies). .
Reason for the politically motivated refusal: previously agreed events (Article 14, Part 1, Paragraph 10 of the law on the organisation and holding of peaceful assemblies).

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
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Feb 21st 2023

On 7 August 2022, citizen activist Bekbulat #UTEBAYEV was engaged in campaigning to attract people (distribution of leaflets)

@pcfrolich @karikjonaaskjos @sschytz
to the initiative group on the establishment of the party "Alga Kazakhstan" as part of the first phase on the way to party registration (under the law on political parties).


Police officers arbitrarily detained him and brought him to the police department, where Bekbulat UTEBAYEV was issued a politically motivated administrative fine under Article 489 (participation in an unregistered public association) in the amount of 153150 tenge ($323).
Read 5 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
On 6 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of #Pavlodar city issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 11 February 2023, in response to a notification from civil activist Zhannat #SHEGENOV. Image
Topic: to register all independent candidates for deputies and independent parties.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
Reason for the politically motivated refusal: on 11 February 2023 the ground for peaceful assembly in Pavlodar city will be occupied by vehicles of participants of the cultural event, which will be held in the Palace of Culture.

@giulianopisapia @JaakMadison
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Feb 21st 2023
It has been reported that on 7 February 2023, political prisoner and civil activist Yerulan #AMIROV was beaten up in the republican state institution "Institution LA-155/14" in the village of #Zarechnoye.

@SenSherrodBrown @OSCE ImageImage
At the end of January, Yerulan was transferred to the above-mentioned prison in the settlement of Zarechnoye after a routine medical examination in a hospital in #Almaty.
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Feb 7th 2023
1/5 31 January 2023
On 1 February 2023, at 14:30 a.m. (Aktobe time) in the Specialised Inter-district Criminal Court of Aktobe region, a verdict in the politically motivated criminal case under Article 272 Part 2 ("participation in mass disorders")

2/5 against 18 people will be pronounced:
#AZHNIYAZOV Yernur, #SHAMURATOV Kuat, #AMANGOSOV Bekzhan, #KUTTYBAYEV Yerkebylan, #AKHMETOV Rustem, #KAMI Darkhan, #ӘBIYEV Darkhan, #KUSPANOV Berik, #ӨMIRYAL Nurken, #BEKEYEV Ablayhan

3/5 #ISAYEV Nursultan, #BAIMURATOV Kairat, #ISKAKOV Zhadyger, #MUKHIT Nurbek, #YESMURZAYEVA Zhanna, #DAUKEN Umirbek, #SADVAKASOV Arnold, #OMAROV Aslanbek.
Those wishing to attend the trial as observers are welcome to do so.
Prosecutor Asel #TANALIYEVA.
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Feb 7th 2023
On 11 January 2023 political prisoner Kazybek #KUDAIBERGENOV attempted suicide.
By taking his own life Kazybek wanted to draw attention to the lawlessness going on in Kazakhstan

2/5 On 28 November 2022, Judge #ALIYEV Duman sentenced Kazybek KUDAIBERGENOV to 17 years in prison in a trumped-up and politically motivated criminal case

3/5 After the suicide attempt, when meeting with officials, Kazybek said that he did not agree with the verdict. That he did not commit the actions he was charged with

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Feb 6th 2023
On February 7, 2023, at 10:00 (Atyrau time), an offline court of appeal will be held in the #Atyrau Regional Court in a politically motivated criminal case regarding:

@hrw @amnesty @omctorg

We invite everyone to come to the court as observers.

On December 19, 2022, Bekizhan #Mendygaziev was sentenced to 5 years and 1 month in prison, with life deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions in commercial organizations, with confiscation of property.
The term of imprisonment is counted from June 3, 2021 (1 day for one and a half).
Baurzhan #Dzhusupov was sentenced to 5 years in prison (previously, on July 26, 2021, Baurzhan Dzhusupov was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison).

@RepMalinowski @IJoveva @AgnesEvren
Read 9 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
February 6, 2023


On February 3, 2023, the local executive body (akimat) of Petropavlovsk refused to hold a peaceful protest on February 11, 2023 in response to two notifications from civil activists

@hrw @freedomhouse

and members of the emerging opposition party "Alga Kazakhstan" Oksana #Shirobokov and Sergey #Izmailov.

Topic: register all independent candidates for deputies and independent parties.

@omctorg @RepMalinowski @RepJoeWilson
Apparently, the pickets will be around the clock, since from January 25 to March 22 all places and all time slots are occupied. The akimat did not offer an alternative day, time, place.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
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Feb 4th 2023

February 3, 2023 #Aktobe

On February 1, 2023, in the specialized inter-district criminal court of the Aktobe region, a verdict was announced in a politically motivated criminal case under article 272 part 2

@hrw @amnesty @osce_odihr
(“participation in mass riots”) against 18 people:

@omctorg @RenewEurope
@RepMcCaul @RepGregoryMeeks
@GreensEFA @EP_HumanRights

Prosecutor Assel #Tanalieva.
Judge Nurlan #Baktygaliev.

#ProtestJanuary2022 Image
1) Nursultan Isaev was sentenced to 15 years in prison under Article 380-1 (“Using violence against a representative of the authorities”) for allegedly deliberately hitting police officers in his car:


#ActivistsNotExtremists Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
February 2, 2023 #Semey

Civil activist and head of the public association "#Mukalmas" in the city of Semey(an organization engaged in election observation) Kenzhebek #Sultanbekov demands that the authorities of #Kazakhstan conduct

@hrw @freedomhouse
an international investigation into executions and torture in January 2022.
K.Sultanbekov demands from the authorities of KZ to stop his political persecution for participating in a peaceful protest in the city of Semey on January 5, 2022, for organizing election observation,
and for demanding that those responsible for the murder of Zhandos Zhotabaev (died from torture) in January 2022 be punished.

Kenzhebek Sultanbekov demands a thorough investigation into the murder of Zhandos #Zhotabaev, who died from #torture in temporary detention center ImageImageImage
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Feb 4th 2023
February 3, 2023, at 15:00, in the #Karasai district court of the #Almaty region, an offline trial will be held on a politically motivated criminal case under article 380 part 1 (“use of violence against a representative of the authorities - two or more people”)
@hrw @omctorg Image
and article 405 part 2 ( "participation in an extremist organization") in relation to political prisoner Yerkin Kaziev.

We invite everyone to take part in the trial as observers.
We invite representatives of foreign embassies and consulates to observe the court.

@amnesty Image
The activists made a makeshift cage (with wheels) to take it to the akimat. The activists themselves tied themselves with chains to a makeshift prison, two were inside.


#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 Image
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Feb 4th 2023
On February 3, 2023, at 10:00 am (#Uralsk time),the Ural City Court will hold an offline trial in a politically motivated criminal case under article 405 part 2 (“participation in an extremist organization”)against civil activists Marua #Eskendirova and Amangeldy #Urazbaev . Image
We invite those who wish to come to the court as observers.

Amangeldy #Urazbaev is in jail, and Marua #Eskendirova is under house arrest.

The authorities persecute them for political reasons for:

@hrw @amnesty
@omctorg @IJoveva
#Kazakhstanprotests ImageImage
Marua Eskendirova and Amangeldy Urazbaev are being persecuted for political reasons for their active citizenship, for participating in peaceful protests and challenges in support of political prisoners, and for criticizing the authorities.
#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 Image
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Feb 2nd 2023
Former political prisoner and civil activist Orynbay #OKHASOV talks about another (already the fifth) attempt on his life.
Today, on 26 January 2023, Orynbay OKHASOV went to court to support civil activists Marua #ESKENDIROVA and Amangeldy #URAZBAYEV. The trial was adjourned to 27 January 2023 at 15:00.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
Orynbay Okhasov drove Maruya Eskendirova home at approximately 11:30. At the same time the car arrived and Daniyar #Inzhegali got out. Image
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Feb 2nd 2023
On 24 January 2023, a verdict was pronounced in a politically motivated criminal case under Article 405 Part 2 ("participation in an extremist organisation") against civil activist Murat #BAIDAULETOV.

#ActivistsNotExtremists Image
He was unlawfully sentenced to 1 year of restriction of liberty, a 3-year ban on social and political activities and 100 hours of community service.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
The "justification" for the political criminal case was a live broadcast on Facebook, where Murat #BAIDAULETOV expressed his thoughts, calls and demands: Image
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Jan 12th 2023
January 11, 2023


On January 12, 2023, at 11:30 am, Semey Court No. 2 will hold a trial in a politically motivated criminal case under Article 256 (“propaganda of terrorism”) against political prisoners Rinat #Aliyev and Chingiz #Alpiev.

@hrw @amnesty @omctorg
We invite everyone to come to the court as observers.

The wife of Chingiz Alpiyev, Zhibek #Alpieva, talks about a politically motivated criminal case fabricated by the authorities against her husband Chingiz #Alpiyev and brother Rinat #Aliyev.
@RepMalinowski @osce_odihr
Chingiz Alpiev and Rinat Aliyev did not go out and did not even participate in the protests in January 2022.

On January 14, 2022, they were illegally detained and then tortured at the Semey Police Department. Severe beatings

@freedomhouse @ennhri @NorwayMFA @RobMoore_CPC
Read 6 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
January 8, 2023 #Shymkent

On January 9, 2023, at 15:00, in the city court of Shymkent, an appeal court will be held on an amnesty against civil activist Lyazzat #Dosmambetova.

We invite everyone to come to the court as observers.
@hrv @osce_odihr
On December 5, 2022, in the Enbekshinsky District Court of Shymkent, judge #Orakbayeva A.K., prosecutor #Nasriddin Eldar did not release Lyazzat Dosmambetova under an amnesty in a politically motivated criminal case, on the basis of an unserved term

of restriction of freedom under article 405 part 2 ("participation in extremist organization).

UPDATE: On January 9, 2023, Shymkent Court Judge #Zhumashev upheld the decision of the court of first instance in the amnesty case of civil activist
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Jan 11th 2023
January 7, 2023


Political persecution on the "Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Bloody January", announced by the organizing committee for the creation of the opposition party "Alga #Kazakhstan" on January 7, 2023.

@hrw @omctorg @OSCE

Civil activist #Bekzadina Elvira reported about her illegal detention.

At 12 noon, Elvira went to the monument to the Victims of the Holodomor to commemorate the victims of Bloody January. The whole territory was cordoned off with an iron fence, there were many policemen.
After Elvira laid flowers at the monument and went towards the #ZhastarPalace, a paddy wagon stopped in front of her, four #SOBR officers ran out of there, attacked Elvira, took her phone and pushed her into the paddy wagon.

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Jan 11th 2023
On 26 December 2022, the local executive body (Akimat) of Petropavlovsk city issued a refusal to hold a "Bloody January Remembrance Day" on 7 January 2023 in response to two notifications from civil activists. ImageImage
The reason for the politically motivated refusal: a "city orienteering stage for schoolchildren" is going to be hold.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
This is the tenth refusal to hold a "Bloody January Remembrance Day" on 7 January 2023 (5 in #Astana, 1 in #Almaty, 1 in #Uralsk, 1 in #Aksay and 2 in #Petropavlovsk). Image
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Jan 10th 2023
January 7, 2023 #Almaty

Political persecution on the "Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Bloody January", announced by the organizing committee for the creation of the opposition party "Alga #Kazakhstan" on January 7, 2023.

Civil activist Zhanar #Anarbayeva left her house by car to honor the memory of those killed in January 2022. On the way to the square, she was stopped by police officers and demanded to go to the police station, but Zhanar #Anarbayeva refused. @hrw @OSCE

Then the police officers escorted her home and stood at her house so that she would not come out.

@SenatorCardin @EnginEroglu_FW
@AgnesEvren @IvoHristovMEP
@IJoveva @sorayarr_
@MounirSatouri @SardoneSilvia
#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #Torture
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Jan 10th 2023
#Almaty #Shymkent

On 5 January, as authorities were holding a "day of remembrance for those killed in the January events", activists were persecuted across #Kazakhstan.

Activist Aidar #MUBARAKOV was detained in Almaty and activists Nurtay #SHEGEBEKULY and Ninagul #DZHUMANIYAZOVA were under surveillance.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #Torture
In #Shymkent, police officers came to the mother of civil activist Gulzhan #MURATBAYEVA to find out her whereabouts. The authorities did not want the activists to "spoil" their picture of a hypocritical "day of remembrance for those killed in the January events".
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