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🇹🇭 Writer of online Thai travel guides and travel news for nearly 30 years. I tweet tips on where to go and what to do. I’m also on @ThaiTrainGuide.

Mar 31, 2022, 7 tweets

This morning, I took a boat trip from my resort on Koh Phi Phi Don to Maya Bay. Koh Phi Phi Lay has only recently reopened to tourists after been closed for just over three years. This is a short THREAD of that experience.

[2] Boats are no longer allowed to enter Maya Bay and moor on the beach. They can go to the entrance to the bay for taking pictures. Boats have to then go around to the back where there is a jetty. We were there at 9:30am and I counted 40 boats. Mainly long-tailed boats.

[3] As Koh Phi Phi Ley is part of the national park, you have to pay an entrance fee. 400 Baht for foreigners and 40 Baht for Thais. When you arrive at Maya Bay on the other side, there is a viewing platform to look down on the beach and a snack shop. #Thailand

[4] when we arrived at around 9:40am there weren’t that many people. Maybe around 70 people. But as we were leaving this went up to about 150 people. I think by 10am boat tours from Phuket and Krabi are arriving. My advice is to come early and leave from Phi Phi Don. #Thailand

[5] You are no longer allowed to swim in Maya bay but that has the advantage that you can see young sharks from the beach. I think it’s better this way as it protects nature and is more sustainable. Anyway, we swam elsewhere and so no need. #Thailand

[6] The rangers at Maya Bay told me that at present there are around 1,000 visitors per day compared to at least 4,000 pre-closure. Which isn’t bad considering the Covid situation. Really I think this is a perfect number if it can be maintained. #Thailand

[7] When Maya Bay first re-opened, they limited the numbers by asking people to book in advance. But they are not doing that at the moment. If you come in the future, and I do highly recommend you come sooner rather than later, I do suggest you check to see if you need to book.

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