Enrique Limón Profile picture
Fronterizo. Storyteller. Founding editor @Independent en Español. Tweets in English, Spanish and sometimes pocho. Contested 9/10 on @ratemyskyperoom. He/him/his

Mar 31, 2022, 10 tweets

Trans rights rally underway at the state Capitol #TransDayOfVisibility

The gathering comes in response to HB11, the trans-excluding “Student Eligibility in Interscholastic Activities,” the veto override for which received a majority vote last week #utpol #utleg #TDOV

This is the second gathering of this nature in recent days. Last Thursday, around 600 Utahns descended upon the Capitol for sports equality. My dispatch: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1507150…

People today are carrying signs emblazoned with messages like “Trans rights are human rights,” “Acceptance saves lives,” “Our stories belong” and “Dismantle the cis-tem”

Crowd makes it way down State St. toward City Creek Park

Random Book of Mormon sighting because Utah

Once at the park, a slew of speakers — including community activists and area high school students — took the bullhorn to deliver impassioned messages to the crowd a few hundred strong #TDOV

“We have always been here and we will always be here!” this speaker told the crowd

SLC’s #TransDayOfVisbility march and rally has ended without incident #utpol #utleg

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