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"All mimsy were the borogoves..." avid reader, occasional world traveler, Mastodon/Fediverse acct: @ZhiZhu@newsie.social

Apr 1, 2022, 8 tweets

What Trump Is Hiding

Seven hours and 37 minutes of missing phone records on January 6 suggest consciousness of guilt.


"Journalists often quote his incendiary language from the speech: “Fight like hell”; “We will not take it anymore.” But Trump also laid out a precise plan of action for the crowd:"


"Trump promised the crowd that if they did as he urged—if they marched on Congress, if they showed strength—they could force a change of the election result."


"From 11:17 a.m. until almost 7 p.m., Trump made all of his phone calls on a nongovernment phone.

We know the president spoke by phone during that gap."


"Trump did not grab phones at random. He thought tactically about which phone to use...

Trump’s phone choices were powerfully intentional.
What was he intending on January 6?

The answer is obvious: concealment.
But concealment of what?"


"Trump’s actions that day were not secret. They all happened in full public view.

He incited a crowd to attack Congress in order to overturn by violence his election defeat."


"Trump’s phone behavior may suggest the answer to the most important remaining questions:

1. Did Trump in any way authorize the attack in advance?
2. Did Trump in any way communicate or coordinate with the attackers as the attack unfolded?"


"The [Nixon] erasure suggested consciousness of guilt by the president, and helped end his presidency.

Trump’s 7.5-hour gap likewise suggests consciousness of something.

And it sure smells like guilt."


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