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Apr 2, 2022, 19 tweets

Thread: Top 10 Ways To Make Money Using @QiDaoProtocol


QiDao is one of the fastest-growing, most well-respected protocols in defi, and the sheer multitude of ways you can earn $ from it are quite vast...


I did a big thread on @QiDaoProtocol a few months ago (see below), but today in this thread I wanted to actually break down all the various ways you can earn yield via...(cont.)


...the @QiDaoProtocol ecosystem, as there have been new strategies popping up almost daily it seems like...

As a brief reminder, QiDao is a fully-collateralized disintermediated on-chain stablecoin protocol, using stablecoin $MAI (aka $MiMetic) and governance token $QI.


The TVL of @QiDaoProtocol has more than tripled since November when it was around $100M, and is now at $365M as of today.

The market cap of $QI is $75M currently.

As promised, here are 10+ ways to earn substantial yield with it.


One: Become a liquidity provisioner for any of the incentivized vaults on QiDao-Matic (its original native chain).

This includes the @QuickswapDEX $MAI / $USDC vault and $QI / $MATIC vault, and the $MAI-3CRV @CurveFinance pool (see below!).


Two: Lock up your LP tokens on QiDao-Fantom, which also offers some great incentivized options.

This includes (again) the $MAI-3CRV stablecoin pool on @CurveFinance, and the @beethoven_x pools for $MAI / $USDC or $QI / $FTM.


Three: Do the same on either of the two incentivized @QiDaoProtocol - Avalanche farms.

Either $MAI-3CRV on @CurveFinance or $QI / $AVAX on @traderjoe_xyz.


To use any of the above strategies, you first 'add liquidity' on the corresponding dex, and then stake your LP tokens not on that dex, but rather on the @QiDaoProtocol site itself under 'Farms'.

Stables usually average 14%-20% in my experience... $QI pairs 60%-100%.


Four: Lock up your 'pristine collateral' blue-chips in the @QiDaoProtocol vaults and borrow $MAI against them at 0% interest.

This functionality is on a bunch of different chains, and there are a myriad of tokens you can lock up, such as $BTC, $ETH, $CRV, and $AAVE.


Five: If this wasn't intriguing enough, you can also take INTEREST-BEARING TOKENS and borrow against them.

E.g. You can literally deposit @Screamdotsh and @beefyfinance receipt tokens, and borrow $MAI against them while they STILL EARN YIELD while serving as collateral!


Six: Lock $QI for 1-4 years on @QiDaoProtocol in the 'Boost' section, and receive weekly $QI yield in return :)

This is one of the coolest aspects of @QiDaoProtocol imo, and I have quite a bit of $QI locked for 4 years in this manner.


Seven: As a holder of locked $QI, you can also potentially earn bribe rewards for your gauge votes!

Locked $QI holders vote on which vaults earn borrowing incentives, and various entities have utilized bribes to earn such votes since the gauge was implemented :)


Eight: Create synethic locked $QI and lp it :)

As also seen on the above #FrenchChart diagram, you can- instead of locking it yourself- create synthetic locked $QI via either @tetu_io or @aavegotchi.

Here's a screenshot of the options on TetuSwap:


I was LPing $QI / $tetuQI in this manner for awhile, until the apr's got pretty low (due to the strategy's popularity I presume).

I haven't tried the synthetic $QI option from @GotchiVault, but here is a tweet from @lemiscate with some info on it:


Nine: Farm $MAI via any of the other great farms that utilize it.

Across Fantom and Matic especially, there are numerous third party AMM's that have $MAI/token lp pairs.

Here's a few you of the many that you can autocompound via @beefyfinance:


Ten: Deposit or borrow $MAI on various lending protocols.

People have been doing this on Fantom for awhile I believe, but @AaveAave just added $MAI functionality on three different chains as well!

See below from my man @CompleteDegen:


Conclusion: Those are ten great ways to earn yield via the @QiDaoProtocol ecosystem.

I have utilized nearly every single one in recent months and will continue to lock $QI and LP $MAI going forward as the #QiWars progress!


If you found this thread valuable please retweet and follow!

Finally h/t @excalidraw for the #FrenchChart diagram - awesome free resource for doing those!


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