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Apr 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Because of Trump’s firehose of falsehoods, no one discusses how Rs killed the #SAFEAct election-security bill or how Trump's corrupt Post Master General kneecapped the USPS or how Rs won all those state races that weren't audited meaningfully or at all. 1/

2/ Full presentation.

4/ “Sen. Bob Casey: Postal workers say efforts to sabotage mail are ongoing in Lehigh Valley [Pennsylvania].” 10/6/20…

5/ “Tractor-trailer loads of undelivered letters and parcels were rerouted from the Lehigh Valley’s central post office to a facility in Scranton, postal workers concerned about ongoing efforts to delay the mail told U.S. Sen. Bob Casey.”


9/ From my pre-election interview of America’s foremost election auditing expert.…

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