Stephan Berger Profile picture
Head of Investigations @InfoGuardAG

Apr 6, 2022, 8 tweets

Real-World #PingCastle Finding #8: Non-admin users can add computers to a domain. A customer called us because he discovered two new computer objects. Such new computer objects can be a sign of more targeted attacks against the #ActiveDirectory.

#CyberSecurity #dfir

The computer names are relatively unique, and one quickly finds a GitHub repository with corresponding exploit code.

The code tries to exploit the two vulnerabilities CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 (from an authenticated user directly to DA).

Inside the exploit code, a new computer name is generated following the pattern SAMTHEADMIN-(random number from 1 to 100), precisely the naming scheme we see in the client's AD.

A few lines further down, the value of MachineAccountQuota is read from the domain policy.

If this value < 0, the exploit aborts. Which brings us to the PingCastle finding.


Ping Castle also checks the value of MachineAccountQuota, and outputs a corresponding finding if the value is < 0.

"This default configuration represents a security issue as regular users shouldn't be able to create such accounts, and administrators should handle this task."

The recommendation is to adjust the value of MachineAccountQuota and only allow authorized users to add computers to the domain.

The customer found the computer objects by reviewing the AD objects - an excellent hint that such unusual objects may be part of an ongoing attack, and to periodically review the objects inside the AD.

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