Olga Onuch (Онух) Profile picture
Professor Comparative & Ukrainian Politics @OfficialUoM Democracy@War📚Zelensky Effect @IBIFUkraine Prev @HURI_Harvard @NuffieldCollege @politics_oxford @uoft

Apr 8, 2022, 12 tweets

Following @ASN_Org 2021 @GwendolynSasse & I coordinated 2 special issues related 2 the #Belarus 2020 mass protests. The 1st issue was published in February & is available #OpenAccess 2 read from #postsovietaffairs & just in time 4 #BASEES2022 #ASN2022 here’s what’s inside 🧵1/n

“This symposium employs established social science theory to frame and place into comparative perspective the case of Belarusian mass mobilization that began in August 2020.” @GwendolynSasse @oonuch tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 2/n

“Do geopolitical orientations distinguish anti-Lukashenka protesters from non-protesters in Belarus?” We find robust evidence of polarization along geopolitical lines.” @GwendolynSasse @oonuch @MOBILISEproject tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 3/n

“I develop a theory based on the case of the 2010-2011 crackdown in Belarus…[and] show that this crackdown was followed by a sharp decline in protest that particularly affected socio-economic protest” @sashadevo tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 4/n

“During moments of nationwide mass mobilization, what distinguishes the towns and cities that rise in the first week from those that do not see protest? … what drives mobilization in early-rising localities.” @emm_mateo tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 5/n

“Media, then, appear to have served not merely as aggregators of and conduits for social processes generated elsewhere, but as the producers of social and political force in their own right.” @samagreene tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 6/n

“This paper examines the practices, performance, and perceptions of the messaging platform Telegram as an actor in the 2020 Belarus protests.” @Marielle_W_ @tanyalokot tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 7/n

“We examine support among 1210 Belarusians to four foreign policy options for the country ” tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… @Toal_CritGeo #JohnOloughlin 8/n

“Belarusian society has become more supportive of liberal political and economic values. This trend is particularly driven by the older generation and does not exclude Lukashenka’s support base.” @Krawatzek #julialangbein @ZOiS_Berlin tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 9/n

“discuss three articles focusing on the origins of the protests, the role of social media platforms and the strategies and results of state repression.” #graemerobertson tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 10/n

“This commentary on Belarus’ 2020 uprising discusses the symposium’s contributions to understanding public opinion, protest, and regime crisis in countries like Belarus, and the case of Belarus itself.” @brynrosenfeld tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… 11/n

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