Halaster Profile picture
Engineer, father, investor & researcher @MoonsamaNFT @ExosamaNFT @PondsamaNFT OG

Apr 8, 2022, 21 tweets

1/ Hal's $MOVR recap for Apr 2nd - Apr 8th!
Big news for @MoonsamaNFT!
The recap contains:
- Last recap
- Deployments & incomings
- Onchain events & announcements
- Figures & facts
Thanks to @CryptoswirlR for this great video!

2/ The $MOVR team did a mysterious announcement Apr 7th in form of a 5 days countdown.
Today they somehow spilled the beans a bit with the hashtag #TheMoonriverNFT.
But it is yet unclear what we can expect...

3/ @MantaNetwork announced the planned upcoming integration of @CalamariNetwork $KMA with $MOVR via XCM asset $xcKMA

4/ @derekyoo from $MOVR $GLMR spilled the beans about stable coins Apr 6th in the Moonbeam Discord:
" $xcUSDT and $xcaUSD will come soon!"

5/ $RMRK announced their upcoming land sales Apr 5th which will take place on $MOVR with the use of $xcRMRK starting via Dutch auction on Apr 30th

6/ The $MOVR #NFT project @TheDPSproject launched their V1.5 Voyages Apr 4th completely overhauling the game & delivering a great game xp:
- legendary voyages
- different chests
- artifacts
- support ships
- upgradeable flagships

7/ Why the @MoonsamaNFT theme for the video?
Truly big things happened and will happen for the native $MOVR #NFT project #Moonsama and @ExosamaNFT - so I get more in detail about that!
It all started with a mindblowing thread from the CEO @DonnieBigBags Apr 7th:

8/ @MoonsamaNFT will be the first #NFT project to be truly multi-chain modular with assets on
$MOVR (Moonsama, res.)
$GLMR (pets, equip)
$ETH (@ExosamaNFT)
This will bring loads of $ETH users to $KSM $DOT
The team seems so far ahead of the curve compared to other #NFT projects.

9/ Today Apr 8th @MoonsamaNFT hosted the first Community Call that ever took place directly in a #Metaverse for $KSM $DOT - a historic moment!

10/ Key take aways aside from $ETH $GLMR $MOVR multi-chain strategy:
- Season II will kick off with @ExosamaNFT launch
- governance to be done onchain in #Metaverse
- 10K #Exos will join Metaverse + Carnage
- Samas on @rarible @opensea @krakenfx?
- FPS Rug of Duty play to earn

11/ Announcements: Apr 5th @ZenlinkPro $ZLK, the cross-chain DEX announced that their hybrid AMM is production-ready and to be launched soon in April on $GLMR and then $MOVR.

12/ The $MOVR team published their monthly recap for March - have a read about all the things that happened in just one month on @MoonriverNW

13/ @MoonBeansIO $BEANS have been covered in a spotlight article by the $MOVR $GLMR team. @miamisama and the team is currently busy in deploying on $GLMR as well.

14/ Events: @movr_place, a community canvas based off of #reddit “r place” but retrofitted for blockchain, is live on $MOVR.
"For each pixel you color in you will be charged to record this on blockchain. All proceeds will go to charity of your choice"

15/ Apr 7th another edition of the #$MOVR $GLMR #MoonbeamUniverse took place with Anton Khvorov from @NovaWalletApp, an iOS & Android wallet for the $KSM $DOT ecosystem.
Watch the stream here:

16/ The public sale for @MoonwellDeFi Artemis $WELL was sold out completely. @MoonwellDeFi Apollo $MFAM is the biggest TVL contributor on $MOVR and early adopters of the Apollo protocol had a safe spot in the public sale round 1.

17/ Currently you can vote for your favorite talks at $KSM $DOT Polkadot Decoded June 29th - 30th.
The $MOVR $GLMR team is represented with a variety of different talks. For more information have a look at this thread and go vote!

18/ @derekyoo from the $GLMR $MOVR team participated in an interesting crowdcast Apr 7th: "Web3 Path to enterprise adoption" with @christinemohan @ingoruebe from $KILT and @Matjazs from @authtrail.
You can watch the replay here:

19/ Facts & Figures:
Holders: 202K
Staked: 1.42M (~38%)
MC: 0.25B$
Circulating supply: 3.73M $MOVR

20/ $MOVR TVL Apr 8th is 459M$
1. @MoonwellDeFi $MFAM 344M
2. @housesofrome $ROME 25M$
3. @SushiSwap $SUSHI 23M$
4. @Solarbeamio $SOLAR 19M$
5. @ZenlinkPro $ZLK 13.5M$
6. @HuckleberryDEX $FINN 4.3M$
7. @SynapseProtocol $SYN 4.2M
8. @OhFinanceDefi $OH 3.3M$

21/ Social Metrics for $MOVR Apr 8th:
Strong social activity and significant increase of bullish sentiments of $MOVR on @LunarCrush

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