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Apr 9, 2022, 10 tweets

Likely not alone.

PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20A 20049 #7A4287 landed at Baku, Azerbaijan as well 3 hours ago.

Currently 3:45AM, Serbia time.

For no reason in particular.

PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20A 20042 #7A4282 approaching Istanbul. Following earlier Y-20A 20045 #7A4285

Next in line is PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20A 20049 #7A4287

Another coming up over Samsun, Turkey.

PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20A 20041 #7A4281

Makes 4 so far. Expecting more.

5th PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20A... 20047 #7A427F
(h/t @StephenNicoud via @ameliairheart)

So, some thoughts:

Based on open-source info, there are 34 known PLAAF Y-20As (including at least 1 Y-20U tanker).

This constitutes about 15% of their Y-20 active fleet.

As you might have heard, China is going through COVID lockdowns again. Possibly related.

Y-20A number six.

The following six PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20As have been seen heading for Serbia:

20041 #7A4281
20042 #7A4282
20045 #7A4285
20047 #7A427F
20049 #7A4287
20142 #7A428A

Despite being on Mode-S, indications are the PLAAF 🇨🇳 Y-20s landed (are landing) at Batajnica Airbase, 🇷🇸 Serbia.

@ADSBexchange Before anyone cries havoc about there being this many PLA Air Force transports in Europe's backyard, know this: not only did Serbia give the green light for this op, but Bulgaria and Turkey each gave the approval for entering their airspace.

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