H I Sutton Profile picture
See you over on BlueSky instead of here Independent Defense Analysis, Unconventional Naval Warfare, author, submarines, OSINT, illustrations. Mostly typos

Apr 9, 2022, 13 tweets

Photos emerge as Russians get to see inside #RomanAbramovich mega-yacht Nord which has run to Vladivostok

Thread detailing the various toys we see. Incredible

Not sure of original source, but shared on a Russian social media account (thanks!)

Context hisutton.com/Russian-Oligar…

First up. Hovercraft. Because

British made Griffon 995 type


Not obvious from the photo, but if you look carefully it's the front of a acrylic bubble, which is where the occupants sit.

Also appears to have manipulator arms

It's a Dutch made U-Boat Worx design. It's covered so hard to ID exact model.

Landing craft for two SUVs

The lead Toyota Land Cruiser has a Cypriot number plate

3 tenders, two large (like one on left), two small. All look high performance, but haven't tried to ID exact models

4 Quad Bikes

Correction, typo. Two large, one small


Owned by Alexey Mordashov, not Roman Abramovich. Typed in haste, mixed the yachts up


Owned by Alexey Mordashov, not Roman Abramovich. Typed in haste, mixed the yachts up

Some video footage of the inside, not the most lavish parts.

Note that they are wearing shoes, so much for creeping around in socks to preserve the lavish finish

Re. smaller tender. Now provisionally identified as an amphibious speed boat which can drive up the beach. Made by Iguana Yachts, possibly a 'Commuter'. Reference photo added

Link to an old article i did on these hisutton.com/Iguana.html

Nod @Fredu57294645 for help with the ID


Further analysis suggests that this submersible is actually made by Triton

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