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Apr 9th 2022
Photos emerge as Russians get to see inside #RomanAbramovich mega-yacht Nord which has run to Vladivostok

Thread detailing the various toys we see. Incredible

Not sure of original source, but shared on a Russian social media account (thanks!)

Context… mega yacht Nord
First up. Hovercraft. Because

British made Griffon 995 type hovercraft

Not obvious from the photo, but if you look carefully it's the front of a acrylic bubble, which is where the occupants sit.

Also appears to have manipulator arms

It's a Dutch made U-Boat Worx design. It's covered so hard to ID exact model. Submarine on super yacht
Read 13 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
I was 12 when #Abramovich bought #Chelsea. I remember my Dad waking me & saying we'd been bought by a billionaire! I went downstairs & read the Ceefax pages w/ him. I read the Sunday papers doublespreads of players we might buy, Veron, Crespo, Cole. I was so excited.

I sung Roman's name. I cheered when the big screen at the Bridge cut to him smiling & clapping. I was so pleased he was ours. He facilitated some of my best memories [incl. those w/ my Dad], at home to Barca in 2012, my 1st final in Cardiff against Liverpool & many cups & titles.
I wasn't political until I reached my early twenties, & even then I only delved just below the surface - I read Chomsky, I recognised we'd been f*cked over in 2008 & I railed against it, I began to understand the climate crisis & the consequences of hoarding massive wealth.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Germany rejects ban on Russian fuel imports.

Read latest updates from the #RussiaUkraineConflict:
Playstation, Nintendo halt Russia exports.

Read latest updates from the #RussiaUkraineConflict:
Russian, Ukrainian foreign ministers begin talks in Turkey, reports AFP.

Read latest updates from the #RussiaUkraineConflict:
Read 4 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 142.81m (~470') yacht (Sailing Yacht) "A" (IMO:1012141|MMSI:310763000|CS:ZCEU9) owned by Andrey Melnichenko (🇷🇺) in Simpson Bay, Sint-Maarten.

Guess who else? It's a who's who of your favourite #Russia|n billionaires... and... wait for it!

🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 163m (~530') yacht Eclipse (IMO:1009613|MMSI:310593000|CS:ZCDX4) owned by Roman Abramovich (🇮🇱/🇷🇺)

#RomanAbramovich #Eclipse…
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 113m (~370') yacht Le Grand Bleu (IMO:1006829|MMSI:310380000|CS:ZCDF7) owned by Eugene Shvidler (🇺🇸/🇷🇺)

#EugeneShvidler #LeGrandBleu…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
The Caribbean is where all the beautiful people go in the winter, and their yachts predictably show up near their business associates and friends (other Billionaires).

You'll notice they don't hide, they have their transponders on 24x7, AIS-T and AIS-S.

The start of a recap:
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 113m (~370') yacht Le Grand Bleu (IMO:1006829|MMSI:310380000|CS:ZCDF7) owned by Eugene Shvidler

#EugeneShvidler #LeGrandBleu #AIS…
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 163m (~530') yacht Eclipse (IMO:1009613|MMSI:310593000|CS:ZCDX4) owned by Roman Abramovich

#RomanAbramovich #Eclipse #AIS…
Read 17 tweets

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