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Apr 9, 2022, 5 tweets

🕉#RamNavami Darshan :
One of the Most beautiful Bhagwan RamJi temples:
16thCentury Stunning VijayanagaraEra Sri Malyavanta Raghunathaswamy Hill temple, #Hampi #Karnataka built around a boulder.Bhagwan RamJi/LakshmanJi stayed here in Rainyseason,in their search for Ma Sita🚩1/5

🕉 2. Bhagwan Rama & Lakshmana were looking for a shelter during monsoon season. Lord Rama aimed an arrow in the Malyavanta hill direction & there is still A cleft on the boulder atop the Malyavanta Hill is caused by the arrow🚩

🕉 3. Malyavantha Rama Temple has images of the deities are carved on the face of a massive boulder. Bhagwan Rama & Lakshmana are sitting posture, Ma Sita is standing next to them & HanumanJi in a kneeling posture with great devotion 🚩

🕉4. The massive temple complex is built around this boulder,keeping Main Deity in inner shrine.A gap on floor is filled with water, which is made by LakshmanJi’s arrow! On Temple south, there is natural well with image of Lord Krishna playing flute carved on inner wall boulder🚩

🕉 5. Right behind the temple is a cave temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.The Outer Walls has motifs of fish & marine creatures carved on it. A steep road leads to Malyavantha ShriRam Temple, one of the few Amazing Hampi temples which is active since its inception🚩

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