Saahil Murli Menghani Profile picture
Independent Journalist || Head, Wire's Fact Check Unit || Contributor - UK's Channel 4, & Norway's NRK TV || Over the years- YKA, ToI & News Anchor at CNN

Apr 11, 2022, 8 tweets


After this #Thread, Sudarshan gotta apologize or boycott its advertiser or even #BoycottSudarshan itself.

That if it still sticks to its rationale behind its call to #BoycottHaldiram.

Link to my full investigation 👉

Sudarshan has a brand called Sudarshan Ayurveda. Pretending to be a store owner in Dubai, I sealed a deal to import its 150 products. I instructed Sudarshan that these packets must have Arabic on them. Guess what? Sudarshan agreed!😅

Full report LINK👉


Dr. Ortho's ads run on Sudarshan. I found it has both Urdu & Arabic on its pack. Dr. Ortho is Divisa's product. Ads of 4 Divisa products run on Sudarshan. Will Sudarshan drop these 4 ads. After all, religion before money? No? 😏

Full report LINK👉

This is just the beginning. All TV channels & their 'Managing/Executive/Senior/Consulting editors' are on my radar. I'll be exposing each one of them.

They've ruined the profession I hv given my soul, sweat & blood to.

The War begins. Here & on my IG👇…

Here's a document by a government of India body which says packs to be exported to Dubai must have ARABIC.

Haldiram's Falhari was a export pack. Export packs are sold in India as well.

This investigation is to expose the reality of self proclaimed custodians of Hindu religion.

Watch- Over a dozen top Indian products with Arabic label. That’s exactly what Haldiram did, what Sudarshan's advertiser does & what even Sudarshan agreed to do. Hope it serves as a lesson to those who fall for TRP traps laid by TV channels.

FULL report👉

Sudarshan also asked why ‘Urdu’ was only on Falhari & not on other Haldiram products. For Sudarshan's satisfaction, here are packs of Haldiram’s Moong Dal & Khata Meetha with Arabic. Journalism needs effort & research, Sudarshan!

Full investigation LINK👉

The full investigation is up on my Instagram page. Time has come to
take on hate TV channels & their poisonous editors head on. Jab tak
todenge nahi, tab tak chodenge nahi.


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