Dr. Monica D.T. Rysavy Profile picture
Dr. ² | Expert in EdTech & Course Design 🍎 COO @ an Online Edu Co. 📌 Former Higher Ed Director & Prof 👩‍🏫 Passionate about Lifelong Learning 📚 1L @ UNH Law

Apr 14, 2022, 7 tweets

My current daily capture workflow uses @devontech's #DevonThink, @readwise Reader, @obsdmd, @clickup, & @craftdocsapp. It's working quite smoothly these days. I can find what I want when I want it, it's helping me get work done, and not getting in the way!

Branch 1: Academic Articles to @devontech

@devontech @readwise @obsdmd @craftdocsapp Branch 3: Non-Academic Articles: @readwise Reader -> @obsdmd -> @devontech -> @craftdocsapp

@devontech @readwise @obsdmd @craftdocsapp Tasks:
∙During Meetings: @craftdocsapp -> @clickup
∙Otherwise: @clickup

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