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Apr 17, 2022, 6 tweets

++ 200 arrests in 4 days of peaceful actions this week ++ Around 30 people remain in custody over Easter in Frankfurt

We demand the German government & @OlafScholz to stop investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure.

All of us are the #LastGeneration to stop climate breakdown.

++ This isn't as issue like any other! ++

Prior to the start of our actions in frankfurt, supporters invaded the pitch of a football match, interrupting the game.

We will not be bystanders while fossil fuels are driving us beyond tipping points!


Actions caused the rush-hour traffic to halt in Frankfurt, the financial centre of the EU, for 4 days this week. 200 people got arrested.

We have to bring the business as usual to a halt now in order to start a future worth living in, where social coexistence is still possible.

Pouring fake-oil down the staircases of Germany's biggest investors in fossil fuels, @DeutscheBank & @commerzbank, targeted the financial industry.

We demand the German federal government to stop all new investments into new fossil fuel projects NOW!


“Whatever we do over the next 3-4 years, I believe, will determine the future of humanity,”
@Sir_David_King, 2021.

We won't be bystanders.

Support those in custody in Frankfurt over Easter with a donation or by joining our campaign.


Share – get engaged – join civil resistance against government inaction to avoid climate breakdown! @JustStop_Oil @InsulateLove @ScientistRebel1 @UltimaGenerazi1 @fireproofaus @derniere_renov @saveoldgrowth @DecEmergency @Renovate_CH

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