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Apr 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Imran Khan public stance on US policy on WoT + Drone Strikes vs his private conversations with the Americans!

US govt declassified document on IK meeting with US Congress delegation from Feb 2010!

Americans were rather surprised by IK blunt talk!


'The meeting was held outside on the immaculate lawn of Khan's sizeable home [...]. The picturesque setting, however, lay in stark contrast to the often pointed and critical statements that were later to come from Khan'.


Imran Khan didn't sugarcoat his views instead spoke bluntly and in clear words conveying what he believed should be pointed out.

Here IK says that Benazir Bhutto was brought to Pak under US pressure, and that the NRO paved the way for Zardari to grab power.#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور

'In brokering the NRO and giving Pakistanis the impression that Benazir Bhutto was being rehabilitated in order to do Washington's bidding, the Americans had given her the kiss of death.'

This is very interesting & relevant except from IK's own book!

Very important & interesting points discussed here.

IK says:
- US is perceived as a greater threat to Pak.
- Pak govt was exaggerating things to get more dollars & funds.
- Let tribes deal with the Taliban.
- Scale back mil. op for talks with Taliban.


Whatever IK discussed in private the Americans is exactly has been his public stance! This is why it makes him different and better than our puppet politicians. I have shared their private discussions in multiple threads earlier.

Go through the following thread to find a subset of the US govt declassified docs on the interaction of US officials & our politicians. Its upto you to decide if they were conducting themselves as IK did or as mere puppets!



1. US Govt declassified Cable: archive.org/details/10ISLA…
2. Pakistan: A personal history by Imran Khan.


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