TheLiverDoc Profile picture
Multi-award winning Hepatologist.

Apr 18, 2022, 13 tweets

Received call from Karnataka colleague abt a man with severe liver failure

For weight loss & fatty liver disease, he paid 6000Rs and tuk these #Herbalife products, for 2 months

Now he is critically ill, may need a new liver

Shutting eyes in broad daylight doesnt make it night

More context:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, USA run LiverTox calls Herbalife as a "well established cause of clinically apparent liver injury"

The Latin-American Drug induced Liver Injury Network has identified Herbalife products as one of the commonest causes for severe liver injury

The Latin-American Drug induced Liver Injury Network has identified Herbalife products as one of the commonest causes for severe liver injury

Herbalife is well known to "silence" its critics who voice their concerns regarding potential toxicities assoc with their products via @MicrobiomDigest…

Herbalife related liver toxicities keep getting reported from all over the world, like this one here 👇

A recent systematic review and metanalysis showed that Herbalife still featured as one of the top agents causing liver injury along with other liver toxic agents.…

Herbalife products were also found to be associated with mania and other neuropsychiatric disorders in a recent systematic review and metanalysis of multiple studies…

Herbalife products where also found to be associated with rare but life threatening diseases of liver and it's blood vessels in a recent report concerning couple of patients…

And finally

Large scale systematic reviews have shown that Herbalife related products always feature as top causes for severe liver injuries world over.…

Time to wake up and take notice.

Herbalife related liver injury has been very frequently reported from USA even after regulatory policies where strengthened.

Herbal dietary supplements industry walks free becoz they escape proper clinical studies and testing for safety.

This goes for Herbalife too one day.…

You can read more on this here from my discussion with the fantastic @Examinecom where a lot of pertinent questions were answered.…

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