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Writer of The Doll's Storybook, denied blue check when it meant something. @PeggyStuart on #Spoutible Link: #DemCast #ProudBlue

Apr 18, 2022, 11 tweets

The high price of gas is distressing to all of us. We need to understand why this is happening before we can expect to combat it. (Thread)

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #GasPrice


Russia is a major producer of gas and oil in the world. What happens in Russia affects the price of oil.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #PutinsWar


No president can control prices in a free market. It just doesn't happen, and wouldn't be good if it did.
#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #gaspump


For nearly 2 years, the demand for gasoline to fuel cars was reduced because many people were working from home. Oil companies stopped producing.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #GasolinePrices


With most people back to driving to work, demand is back up again, but the supply has been taking time to increase to meet this demand. Less supply + higher demand = higher prices. Oil companies like this arrangement.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #Oilprices


The GOP has been stoking our fear and frustration at the higher price of fuel at the pump. They are trying to blame the president, because it suits their purposes, but they know better!

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #RepublicanExploitation


As the supply has been coming back up, oil companies have kept their prices high because many people are willing to pay these higher prices, and many others have no choice.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #OilCompanies


A president can't control oil prices, but there are things the administration can do, and @POTUS is doing them.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #BidenDelivers


The president has control over the #StrategicPetroleumReserve. He has been releasing some of this oil over the past few months.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #BidenDelivers


This release of oil reserves is expected to bring down the price of petroleum products over time.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #BidenDelivers


We can help by cutting our demand:
*Carpool and/or make fewer trips
*Use alternative transportation: bus, train, bicycle, walk
*Choose more efficient vehicles
*Turn off your engine when parked

Anything I missed?

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #BidenDelivers


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