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Feb 23rd 2023
@PierrePoilievre's dishonest and shameful 'blame it all on Trudeau' campaign for things the PM does not control rages on. In fact, the PM does not control #foodpricing, #fueloilpricing, #rentpricing, #mortgagepaymentpricing or #interestrates in Canada.
IMO @PierrePoilievre 's dishonourable rhetoric on rising food, gas, oil prices, interest rates & rents is evidence of intent to deceive.
Why doesn't the media challenge him to provide alternative proposals instead of publishing his attacks on Trudeau for things he can't control?
@PierrePoilievre knows that #groceryprices result from factors that include yields, weather, wildfires, drought, global supply chain problems and grocery chain price gouging, etc. Implying otherwise is #misinformation.
Read 35 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
The high price of gas is distressing to all of us. We need to understand why this is happening before we can expect to combat it. (Thread)

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #GasPrice

Russia is a major producer of gas and oil in the world. What happens in Russia affects the price of oil.

#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #PutinsWar

No president can control prices in a free market. It just doesn't happen, and wouldn't be good if it did.
#ONEV1 #DemCast #DemVoice #Dems4USA #gaspump

Read 11 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
As Bradford pears remain a nuisance in South Carolina, methods of attack range from bounties to bans…

#InvasiveSpecies #landscaping #BradfordPearTrees #EcosystemDamage #mitigation
Build Back Better’s Insulin Pricing Benefit Isn't Enough…

#pharmaceuticals #insulin #PriceCaps #legislation #consequences
Read 13 tweets

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