Roaa 🦄💙 Profile picture
Software Engineer @widgetbook_io | #Flutter/Dart @GoogleDevExpert | 📃

Apr 18, 2022, 9 tweets

#Flutter Animation guide 📑

1️⃣ Implicit - AnimatedFoo & TweenAnimationBuilder
2️⃣ Explicit - FooTransition, AnimatedBuilder & AnimatedWidget

1️⃣.1️⃣ Implicit - Ready-to-use
Add ‘Animated’ to a regular widget (Container, Positioned, .etc) with a duration and you’re good to go!


1️⃣.2️⃣ Implicit Animations - Custom

No AnimatedFoo widget fits your requirements and you still want something quick to set up? Use the #TweenAnimationBuilder widget! Simply changing the Tween values triggers an animation.

Use the child param for better performance!


2️⃣.1️⃣ Explicit - Ready-to-use

“Control” how your animations are animated with an #AnimationController and a #FooTransition widget (ScaleTransition, RotationTransition, …etc). You can now tell the animation when to start, reverse, repeat, ...etc


This is the code for the previous animation 👆🏼


2️⃣.2️⃣ Explicit - Custom

All of the above does not achieve your goal animation? Go wild with the #AnimatedBuilder widget and create controllable animations for any parameter of any widget!



Create your own FooTransition widgets using the #AnimatedWidget!
The code below achieves the same previous animation 👆🏼


There are a lot more to cover for Flutter animations! but this should be enough for you to get started and build UI animations for your app with a wide range of complexities!

You can find all the code and animations above in this DartPad:…


BONUS 1 🎉 I talked about all of this in detail in the #FlutterFestival Vulsad & Surat session. You can watch it here:

BONUS 2 🎉 For Arabic speakers: Same session in Arabic done for #FlutterFestival Saudi Arabia 🎉

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