Propane Jane™ 🔥💣 Profile picture
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Doctor. Christian. Texan. Longhorn. Pragmatist. Democrat. Scorpio. Recycler. Politics Junkie. Proverbial Firestarter.

Apr 23, 2022, 8 tweets

FYI, this is basically the same argument made by segregationists in opposition to the integration of public schools post Brown v. Board. The GOP knows its bigoted base has a muscle memory for despising the mitigating hand of the federal government & public school system. #JimCrow

Also it’s no coincidence that they’re stirring up a shit storm about CRT, LGBTQ, BLM and abortion simultaneously. They wage a culture war on every front possible b/c hatred and oppression of marginalized groups is what unifies Republican voters to GOTV. #SouthernStrategy101👺🤡👹

Evangelicals “seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools.”…

IOW, all the while folk were telling us “identity politics” needed to take a back seat to WWC “economic anxiety”, the GOP was booting up Jim & Jane Crow 2.0. They do it b/c it works without fail and it works without fail b/c White supremacy thrives on White fragility and denial.

I’ve said it before and I’m gonna keep repeating it until folk stop allowing themselves to be so easily distracted and discouraged by the GOP doing the same exact bigoted shit from yesteryear over and over again. Their destination is more White power, culture wars are their 🚌.

Youngkin’s gubernatorial campaign in VA literally gave us a fully guided tour of the *only* viable strategy they have left to navigate the shifting demographic terrain of ‘22 & beyond. Ain’t a damn thing changed, we STILL have to VOTE LOUDER than OUR haters do. #ExpectUSToVote

They have no choice but to be deplorable because deplorable brought them to the dance way back when and will forever more. If you’re still waiting for the GOP to pivot to anything but a deeper level of hell, you need to give up on that fantasy now b/c they CANNOT/WILL NOT.

The bottom line is STILL that the GOP has NOTHING to offer anyone who isn’t a Christofascist or vulture capitalist. It isn’t a mystery or surprise, it’s literally #SouthernStrategy101 in broad daylight, for the umpteenth time, and it’s deadly. #VOTE them ALL the FUCK OUT. 🗣🔥💣

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