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Apr 24, 2022, 9 tweets

#Thread Indian Judiciary & its "accountability"

Milords & their judgements

-A man was sent to jail in 2019 for diluting milk in 1995.
-Genocide of Kashmiri Hindus committed in 1990 can NOT be probed.

-Well #SupremeCourtofIndia didnt have "time" for Kashmiri Hindus


Lacs of cases are pending in SC
some of them are going on from last 2 generations

Even they don't wanna hear about genocide victim Kashmiri Pandits, because #SupremeCourtofIndia didn't have "time"


SC opens at 3 am for TERRORISTS!
They have time for rioters & Rohigyas!


Again #SupremeCourtofIndia

A 4 year old girl is kidnapped, brutally RAPED till unconscious & suffocated till killed by heart attack.

Her RAPIST & MURDERER Mohd. FIROZ won’t get a death sentence.

As UU Lalit,Ravindra Bhat,Bela Trivedi believes
“Every Sinner has a future”


Indian army wants to take Brahmos missile to the China border.


#SupremeCourtofIndia & NGO is UNNECESSARILY escalating this issue in a clear sense of practicality

How can we EVEN CONSIDER THIS decision as a matter of debate?

But Milords…


How to justify violence against men?
- Learn from Indian court Milords!

What about Equality, Justice #HumanRights & #MenRights ?
- Well NOT necessarily needed when Milords are there.


Mi lols again

Not all citizens are treated equal by Judiciary in India
They judge the convict by their social, religious & financial status.

If one is poor & stole 50 rupee he can be jailed instantly.

& other 10-12 crores but is from minority & news reporter can roam free


🚨Srinagar Court grants bail to YouTuber Faisal Wani who had uploaded video depicting beheading of #NupurSharma

🚨Delhi Court grants bail to Bhim Sena Chief Satpal Tanwar,arrested for calling for killing of Nupur

BUT #KetakiChitale is in jail(40days) for sharing post on SM

Mi lol suggests a Hindu boy to convert to Islam after he married a Muslim girl
Situation 1: Hindu girl marries a Muslim boy=She would have to convert to lslam

Situation 2: Hindu boy marries a Muslim girl=He would have to convert to lslam

This is Indian Judiciary for Hindus!


Calcutta High Court asked Centre not to deport 4 Rohingyas back to Myanmar.

Rohingyas said that they want to stay in India as refugees with their children

Court directed that in current situation 4 Rohingyas cannot be pushed back to Myanmar.

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