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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Apr 24, 2022, 11 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES: April 25 am

The news on Ukraine today starts out with a threat:

Russian Defense Spokesman Igor Konasenkov offers stern warning.

-Russia will continue to attack NATO weapons supply points wherever they are, as was done in Odessa.

#TGTM #China #Russia

-"Russia is within it's legal right to do so."

Russia says there will be "untold consequences for NATO, and the US, if the supply of weapons to Ukraine continues."

It's somehow appropriate to the pro-Kremlin editorial line of CCTV that stock footage of government buildings in Moscow are routinely used as filler material on Russia-Ukraine stories.

A Chinese-labelled map and Russian Defense footage are used to illustrate Russia's "justified" attack on Odessa.

It's a rather sanitized view of Russian destruction.
Also note there's no boundary between Russian-controlled Crimea and as yet unvanquished Odessa.

Compare the above with Odessa on-the-ground footage (not included by CCTV) of a bombed apartment building in Odessa. A cruise missile killed a young mother and her baby along with six neighbors in a Russian attack that was singled out by Zelensky for its gratuitous barbarity.

April 25 news update:

Maria Zakharova at the Russian Foreign Ministry says Western economic pressure is having no effect...

...and Russia is adjusting its economy accordingly.

Zakharova says the US is warning of a Russian chemical attack which actually means that the US is preparing for precisely this kind of attack and is moving forward with it.
No evidence is offered, but insinuations are made with pictures of a vehicle and some storage tanks.

The "slam dunk" of Zakharova's innuendo is a headline ripped from Foreign Affairs about the possibility of Russian biological or chemical attacks

This reflects the time-proven propaganda technique of mirroring accusations of the other side, muddling things to muddy the waters.

In other news, a Japanese boat carrying 26 people has sunk off Hokkaido and more then 36 US states have seen an increase in Covid infection rates.

Pro-tip: Some one should tell CCTV announcer Liu Miaoran that it is not necessary to force a smile during every minute of the news.

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