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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Apr 25, 2022, 12 tweets

New week and time for a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman references to the DC lore. We get to one of the most climactic scenes in the movie, The Capitol. Several homages into this one in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood.

We open up with Superman arriving to the Capitol building with people with all sorts of messages. People hating on him others worshiping him. Very reminiscent of the cover of Action Comics #3 in the New 52. And also, of The Amazing New Adventures of Superman #24.

Interestingly, #BvS shows people that hate him but also people that worship him to an extreme. A polarized society where even people that worship him ask too much of him. To be a god, a savior.

Then we get to Superman inside Congress about to speak. Imagery very reminiscent of Superman: Peace on Earth.

Love this contrast between the two stories in this homage. Peace on Earth tells us how important (and rare) Superman speaks in public. Only to try to change people's mind. He's about to do exactly that in #BatmanvSuperman but...

...the explosion happens, and Superman is surrounded by fire. Feeling lost, not knowing whether he can do good. This also resembles another page from Superman: Peace on Earth where feels like he cannot help society, he failed his mission.

I found this homage quite interesting because from this point onwards both stories go in different directions. Peace on Earth Superman is going to move in the direction of helping humans understand how to help themselves.

In #BatmanvSuperman Clark is going to go through a process of self-reflection, to his inner fortress of solitude. To remember lessons from his father. Lessons that will help him become a Superman that feels part of our world, doing good, being Superman.

Continuing with the homages, the explosion and Superman feeling lost is similar to many other comic stories. For instance, this one from Justice League of America #101.

It is also similar to this story from Superman Vol.1 #408 where there is a nuclear attack on Earth and Superman is devastated (thanks to @NaveenShankarSP for sharing this one).

So many stories this could be referencing. Showing Superman’s self-doubt when he wants to help but things aren’t as easy. Challenging Superman’s core. And #BvS does that while showing that he can come back from that to be Superman, sure of his choice.

Back to the references for the last one. After the explosion we get a horse similar to The Dark Knight Returns #4 panel. And that’s it for today, such a powerful scene filled with homages to the DC lore. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

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