Australian Labor Profile picture
Official account of the Australian Labor Party. Authorised by P. Erickson, Australian Labor Party, Canberra.

Apr 25, 2022, 13 tweets

#MorrisonMistake No 4

Scott Morrison did not order enough rapid COVID tests sending Australians into lockdowns, again.

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Australians did the hard yards in 2020 and 2021.

We all did everything that Morrison asked us to do.

But, when we needed access to rapid COVID tests, Morrison blamed everyone else because he didn't order enough.

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Millions of Australians were stuck in isolation and in testing queues over Christmas because of Morrison's mistakes.

Morrison just made more excuses and said “it’s not my job.”

If this wasn’t his job, then what is?

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#MorrisonMistake No 3

Scott Morrison did not order enough vaccines for you and your family.

Morrison promised Australians would be at the front of the queue for the vaccine rollout.

But then he broke his promise, didn’t order enough vaccines, and said it “wasn’t a race”.

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Morrion's vaccine mistakes hurt Australians.

If it wasn’t Morrison's job to ensure there were enough vaccines in the country to keep us safe, then what is?

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#MorrisonMistake No 2

Scott Morrison failed Australians hit by floods.

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Morrison took forever to even acknowledge the Australians impacted by the floods.

When he finally showed up, he tried to play politics with flood relief funding – making some people beg for support that they desperately needed.

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Every Australian should be treated equally.

It shouldn't matter if you live in a Liberal/National electorate, a Labor electorate, or an independent electorate.

If it's not Morrison's job to ensure all Australians are treated equally, then what is?

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#MorrisonMistake No 1

Scott Morrison took off for a secret holiday in Hawaii while Australia was on fire, and then he lied about it.

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While Australia was on fire, Morrison was flying high.

Morrison jetted off to Hawaii for mai tais and luaus when Australians really needed him.

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All Morrison had to say about holidaying in Hawaii was, “I don’t hold a hose”.

Cold comfort for Australians who just wanted him to do his job.

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Australians can’t risk three more years of Scott Morrison making these kinds of mistakes.

He goes missing and making excuses when Australians need him to do his job. 👇

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