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Apr 26, 2022, 25 tweets

DEEP SEA VOLCANO NAMED AFTER MORDOR INTERRUPTS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ROUTES | The waterways of Indonesia carry 90% of the world's trade. But the volcanic activity at the Karma seamount has been making waves - literally - at an increased rate since December 14, 2021. 🔽🧵#tsunami

2. Indonesia's island volcanoes get most of the headlines, and even the research activity. Take Krakatoa, pictured here. It caused such a destructive tsunami in the 1800's that explosive activity can be alarming. And it is certainly erupting today. This is a recent photo.

3. But Krakatoa is only one of Indonesia's many erupting volcanoes. And most of them aren't even listed on this map. The map shows every volcano that has erupted in Indonesia over the last 100 years. Notice that none of them are in the sea. That's a big mistake.

4. Geologists estimate that 80% of all volcanic eruptions occur in the ocean! 80%! (More than a million submarine/underwater volcanoes exist, and 60% of those are found along plate boundaries. And Indonesia runs along a plate boundary.) Link:…)

5. Scientists haven't prioritized these volcanoes, though they threaten lives just as much a on-land volcanoes do. Either way, submarine volcanoes usually get attention when they begin erupting pumice stone. (Picture: pumice stone floating after being erupted from a sea volcano.)

6. And that's exactly how Ered Lithui was discovered. During the July 2021 voyage of Australia's RV Investigator, pumice was discovered floating southeast of Indonesia's Christmas Islands. As you can see, the ship spent a great deal of time there (mapping the sea floor).

7. Now, keep in mind that Krakatoa, Merapi, Semeru and Lewotolo have all been erupting at a level 4 out of 5 (Tonga was 5) as far back as July 2021. And that means earthquakes. A lot of them.

8. If you've been following me for a while, you'll remember that I was tracking Indonesia's earthquakes last year. And this nation was having the deepest earthquakes I'd seen yet: 1000km deep! That's 600+ miles! And that's a big big problem for cargo ships.

9. Nearly every cargo ship in the world sails close to Indonesia. I've pointed to Indonesia here on the world's trade routes map. You see how everything moves through Indonesia!? Now imagine erupting volcanoes, waves from earthquakes and now pumice from submarine volcanoes.

10. This map of world trade routes includes China's cargo ships. Shanghai is the largest port in the world after all. But look! If Indonesia shores aren't safe, neither are China's cargo ships. And these routes are being disrupted.

11. The majority of the world trade flows through the Adaman Sea. Cargo ships have to pass there to avoid storms, large waves, etc. But the Adaman Sea's tsunami station has been triggered several times over the last month, as have stations in Alaska and Chile.

12. In short, the Pacific Plate is on the move. And it appears, according to tsunami stations, that its shifting so much energy towards the Indian Ocean that a large submarine volcano at the plate border (south of the Java Trench) has burst.

13. We can even trace the movement of the lava, deep under the crust, from the Adaman Sea, past Krakatoa and past the Christmas Islands to a very large volcano. And that volcano has been erupting for the past month, though warning signs have arrived much earlier.

14. Why else would a team of 33 scientists deviate from Australian shores to map an area so far beyond their borders? The green areas around Australia on this map are areas that have already been mapped. 50% hasn't been! So why did the RV Investigator sail west? And then quit!?

15. Oh yeah! I didn't tell you!? Yeah- the RV Investigator didn't even finish its voyage. It quit 21 days in! And guess where it quit? You guessed it!!! Right over the Karma seamount - over the volcanoes named after Lord Sauron and Mordor!!!

16. The RV Investigator departed on June 30th, made it to the Java Trench rather quickly and then - after following the pumice and mapping the volcano below - they decided to quit and come home. On July 20th they posted this letter>…

17. But it wasn't a loss. In my opinion they were sent to discover the root of a problem and after they found it, they mapped it and came home. And I've based that on two things: first of all, their map indicated two areas searched. But only one produced a map- Christmas Islands.

18. Here's the a shot of the 3D map the team on the RV Investigator created of the Karma seamount. According to their documents, they discovered the volcanoes due to the Eye of Sauron 🌋's pumice stone ejections. As you can see, it has a crater and a caldera, indicating activity.

19. My second reason: the UNSW published an article about the June 2021 voyage of the RV Investigator. It search Australia's east coast with one goal: explain the climate changes. (After Tonga, I can sure understand that goal!!!) But the whole university seems climate oriented.

20. And according to the voyage description for July's expedition, the RV Investigator was bringing on new surveryors who normally did land maps. They are very clear that no one has ever bothered mapping this area (near three violently erupting volcanoes).…

21. But the discovery of these volcanoes was a big deal. The research team rushed to publish on July 21st, one day after announcing the early end of their mission. And they named the volcanoes after Mordor. Ouch. Would you like to see why? Let's go.

22. There's a tsunami station over the newly discovered 'Ered Lithui' volcanoes. And it's been going crazy. And I do mean - CRAZY.

23. Let's take the tsunami station up at the Adaman Sea as an example to compare, shall we? Here the Adaman Tsunami station lights up on April 17th, 2022. (Of course it does. That's the Vatican's false Easter. Brazil to Texas had hailstorms. What can I say. I'm not surprised.)

24. But if you look real close, you'll see that the tsunami station is reporting sudden waves, yes, but they are about 6-7 feet high. This station has reached 60 feet, I believe. But that's nothing compared to Ered Lithui down there in Indonesia.

25. The Eye of Sauron volcano popped a wave 300 feet tall yesterday. The day before, it popped two 160 foot wavess. And that's directly on a major cargo ship highway. Waves grow as they move inland. I can only imagine the damage it's causing.

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