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Apr 27, 2022, 13 tweets

The org Sexspression has branches in several local authorities in Scotland.

They advertise as being for primary school + and are attached to branches of local universities.

The first one we have looked into is Sexspression Dundee, attached to @dundeeuni

Long 🧵

They advertise as “a student society giving comprehensive and inclusive sex and relationship education to schools”

Teachers can request that these university students come into the classroom, or youth and sport groups, to deliver this training. If there are no groups near your school, check again later as more and more are popping up, they tell us.

We wanted to know what exactly they were ‘teaching’ but access to their curriculum page is limited and doesn’t provide much detail about content.

They provide a dictionary of words described as being for a ‘more inclusive classroom’.…

They claim the only treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning. This is incorrect and a dangerous message to be promoted to children in school. #CassReview

As we looked further we realised that they are wholly lacking in appropriate safeguarding training to be proving the service they are. They have 1 day of training before being allowed to provide information to children and teachers.

We thought we would continue to look further and were astonished to find the promotion of Alok Menon on their public Instagram page. The 2nd picture is a reminder of what Alok has said about children.

@AcrossParents spoke to @ScotExpress about a school promoting Alok and the inappropriateness considering his comments. We find it appalling an org going into schools would advertise Alok. The lack of training becomes more evident and worrisome.…

Further digging led us to these pictures. Again, on their public page.

A reminder that they advertise for being for primary schools.

We are unable to identify which schools specifically they have been in because teachers appear to make the referrals and there is no record or list that we can source.

Parents don’t appear to have been told either.

We are seriously concerned that organisations which have not been consulted with parents are being given access to children in this way.

They are promoting affirmation, sexually inappropriate images, and safeguarding risks.

@EducationScot @scotgov @CYPCS @dundeeuni

We will be following this up.

We must have guidance around which groups are able to get into schools and this is something we will be lobbying for.

If parents know that this org, or others, have been in their child’s school, please get in touch.

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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