David Carroll 🦣 Profile picture
associate professor of media design at Parsons, subject of The Great Hack (2019) on Netflix, boardmember @checkmyadshq @fboversight, admin of https://t.co/Vt7rrEGFzb

Apr 28, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵Reading today’s #DeclarationForTheFutureOfTheInternet the following 4 sections stick out to me state.gov/declaration-fo…

1. Striking the balance between expression and intimidation applies to Musk’s intentions #onhere

2. In my view, Cambridge Analytica was an historically abusive violation of human rights that did not result in any meaningful remedies, so there is significant work to do in this area

3. There are thousands of tech companies that should ask themselves in response to this Declaration if they are adequately concerned with their roles in building tools of oppression and repression as this doesn’t only apply to the PRC

4. Again, I interpret this as an oblique reference not only to RU’s IRA campaign but also the GOP’s Cambridge Analytica deliberate designs of covert information manipulation here and abroad

5. This Declaration centers the problem of privacy in welcome needed ways but does so in the context of government authorities and sidesteps the private sector. I still worry that boundaries between the private sector and authoritarianism remain too blurry for us to really grasp.

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