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Apr 29, 2022, 7 tweets


The only thing hassan sheikh mohamud speaks about is federalism it has become a religion for him !!

He doesn’t have any foreign policy or any economic plans for 🇸🇴 NOTHING just federalism he is obsessed with it whilst people are in serious need.

#somalia #mogadishu


First of all i found it funny he says farmaajo used foreign trained troops 🤦‍♂️ under his leadership literally every somali soldier was trained by foreigners and many were going to 🇹🇷 and 🇺🇬 and 🇩🇯 for training ! But having said that hassan isn’t known for his honesty !


Here is his biggest fear 👇👇 compassion fatigue meaning people/govt’s dont care anymore ! Why is this a disaster for hassan sheikh ?? Wel because he and his friends only know how to survive on foreign aid and lack any vision for self sufficiency ! They only know how to beg!


Hassan sheikh says african union should only tranfer security responsibilities to the somali national army when there is total consensus btwn all the federal member states ! This in my opinion literally shows how dangerous this man is and his goal to sabotage the transfer !!


By proposing such a ridiculous idea hassan sheikh is making something very simple and achievable very complicated and almost impossible ! Imagine what ahmed madoobe will demand ?? Kenya will tell him to make sure there is no army how will he defend against that ?


Here hassan states one of the reasons al shabab still exist is because of lack of professional command in the SNA 👇 obviously meaning odawaa ! Why ?? because odawaa refused to join him in trying to overthrow the govt that is unprofessional according to hassan 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Hassan sheikh is a full blown lunatic a narcist somebody who doesn’t value human live and politics is just busnise to him nothing more nothing less ! He will never be elected and his own people literally hate him ! All of somalia’s enemies like him guess why ?

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