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May 6, 2022, 12 tweets


There is a brand new South African drama coming to @NetflixSA. What is it about? All I can say is "behind every great fortune is a great crime". Let me introduce you to the main characters of #SavageBeautyNetflix (without any spoilers 😁)

Meet the Bhengu family. The family behind a major player in the cosmetic industry (Bhengu Beauty). They are rich, filthy rich. Its actually disgusting. All of SA's socialites and celebrities come running when they call. Let me take you through who is who... #SavageBeautyNetflix

The patriarch: Don Bhengu (@DumDiesel)
He built Bhengu Beauty from the ground up "by himself". Now, I have no love for this guy, at all. His only redeeming quality is that he is well groomed. It ends there. A horrible husband and father. #SavageBeautyNetflix

The Matriach: Grace Bhengu (Nthati Moshesh)

She started the company with Don. She rules her household and business with an iron fist. Part of me understands her but part of me believes that she is vile. You will either love her or hate her. No in between. #SavageBeautyNetflix

The Second Wife: Thando Bhengu (@_AngelaSithole)

Yes, Don has two wives. Unfortunately this is not a happy sister wives situation. They live under the same roof with Grace and things are icy. She is very integral to the plot thickening. Brace yourselves. #SavageBeautyNetflix

The Golden Child: Phila Bhengu (@Jesse_Suntele_)

Grace's first born. Like father, like son: he lives no skirt unturned. He has a few redeeming qualities but at the crux of it all he is a typical Sandhurst boy. Grew up with everything handed to him. #SavageBeautyNetflix

Daddy's Girl: Linda Bhengu (@LadyNam_BM)

Don's daughter from his previous partner. She is the apple of his eye. Needless to say, Grace hates that. Cinderella and the evil stepmom situation. She is Phila's rival to run Bhengu Beauty in the future until...πŸ™ˆ #SavageBeautyNetflix

The Last Born: Ndumiso Bhengu (@Oros_Mampofu)

Grace's second son. Typical last born, there is a family business to run and baby boy is an artist that wants nothing to do with all of it. πŸ˜… Kind, sweet and naive. Doesn't play by the "rules". #SavageBeautyNetflix

Meet Zinhle Silepe (@rosemaryzimu). The Disruption.

Baby girl is definitely hiding something DEEP. She is here to shake things up. She is focused and determined. You know that famous meme of a little girl smiling at a burning house? Her. πŸ’πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ #SavageBeautyNetflix

His Sister's Keeper: Bonga Selepe (@Mpho_Sebeng)

He is Zinhle's dotting and extremely protective brother. A quiet gent that works a 9-5 as a security guard. He shares a dark past with his sister which is why he is so protective of her. #SavageBeautyNetflix

Finally I introduce you to Kolobe (@Oretshidisitse_): The backbone of Bhengu Beauty.

Without this man, Don and Grace would not be so rich. He runs the business. When I say he runs the business, I mean it. Just you wait and see. #SavageBeautyNetflix

There you have it people. What to expect? Fashion, opulence, steamy intimate scenes (very steamy), murder, intrigue, etc. All of this is coming to your screens on 12 May 2022 followed by a TwitterSpace with @MsLeloB & I (with the cast) on 15 May 2022. πŸ˜‰ #SavageBeautyNetflix

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