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Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

May 6, 2022, 10 tweets…

The latest figures from the ONS Infection Survey estimate that 1 in 30 people in Scotland currently has Covid-19, which is down from 1 in 25 last week, and 1 in 19 the week before!

#covid19scotland #coronavirusscotland #DailyCovidUpdate

Here are some of the additional figures from the ONS Infection Survey.

Due to the bank holiday weekend, no local data has been included this week.…

Here are some of the local case and death figures for today too

Some further changes have been made to the page too, in preparation for the switch to weekly reporting.

The 'at a glance' section here now gives weekly figures rather than daily figures.

Additionally, the dates which make up all of the weekly increase figures have been adjusted.

The weekly increases of cases/tests now show the 7 days up to 4 days before today, and for deaths, it is the 7 days up to 11 days before today.

The chart below shows the change for cases. The 7 day figure is now made up of the days in the green box, rather than the red box.

Not a big change, but it should give an extra day to minimize any potential delays in reporting.

For deaths it is a much bigger change. I thought this would be best, as the old range meant that we were always undercounting deaths in the most recent week by quite a bit.

I think the new range should show the trend better, even if it is a bit more out of date.

These changes mean that the weekly figures on my page won't match the official ones on the PHS dashboard anymore, but I think they'll help improve the reliability of looking at weekly increases/decreases as we move to only looking at the weekly trends and not the daily trends

Today is actually the last time the page will be (fully) updated on a Friday!

From next week the page will only be fully updated on Monday/Thursdays. Then only on Wednesdays by the end of the month.

Next week, the main changes will be the removal of all 'new today' figures, with 'new this week' figures replacing them.

The 'Cases and Deaths by Date Reported' chart will also probably be replaced with a 'Cases and Deaths by Specimen Date' one

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