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The #Lyme disease community's leading source for news, insight and advocacy. Publisher of The Lyme Times, creator of MyLymeData. A 501(c)(3) organization.

May 7, 2022, 9 tweets

Dr. Monica Embers | Persistent Lyme Disease: Supportive Evidence and Potential Solutions. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Embers "there are three potential causes of post-treatment #LymeDisease
Inflammatory response
Continuous infection

The standard treatment for #LymeDisease utilizes a bacteriostatic antibiotic which slows the growth of the bacteria and relies on the immune system to clear the infection.

There are two-standards of care for #LymeDisease

Embers (and many others) have shown Borrelia can persist following standard IDSA antibiotic treatment. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Embers is discussing the case of Lyme spirochetes found in the autopsied brain of a woman who died (despite treatment) @liv_lyme…

Embers conclusion "our studies, presented here and in animal models, indicate that the Lyme disease spirochete can persist after conventional treatment."
Her team is currently working on combination treatments in the mouse model. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Embers "what works in the test tube doesn't necessarily work in humans" Her unpublished results showing doxycycline & cefuroxime in mono therapy, DO NOT clear the #LymeDisease infection. In general single drugs were not capable of clearing the infection. Certain combinations do.

Embers moving forward with @drneilspector research in collaboration with Duke, Tulane & NCState to identify novel treatments and diagnostics. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

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