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The #Lyme disease community's leading source for news, insight and advocacy. Publisher of The Lyme Times, creator of MyLymeData. A 501(c)(3) organization.

May 7, 2022, 7 tweets

Tickborne Disease Updates from Sue Visser, DrPH, MS Associate Directors for Policy and Extramural Program @CDCgov Division of Vector-borne Diseases

Visser pointing out that surveillance is comes from the states.

Visser. Pointing out the challenges and opportunities for #LymeDisease surveillance. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Visser going over the key changes to @CDCgov surveillance going into effect in 2022. Note the new tests that are included. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Visser, the new surveillance definition for #LymeDisease will likely result in a 20% increase in cases. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

#LymeDisease presents a large burden of health.

Funding for tick-borne diseases has doubled since 2013. Recently received $4.5 million from the Kay hagan tick act. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

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