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May 8, 2022, 7 tweets

A tiny little thread on #Sleep and #Success!
Let's break some myths. 🙂

"If I sleep less, I will study more!"

But that motivational speaker told me- "Dreams are not what you see during sleep, dreams are things which don't let you sleep!"

This kind of motivational stuff is good to our ears but not to our body and brain!

So it's important to sleep well.
These are some important steps to have a good sleep hygiene.
Keep it in mind. 🙂

Sleep is not the opposite of success
But our biological need.
If you sleep well, you will be more energized and you will be actually be able to work on your dreams. 🙂

Do like/share/retweet/comment if you found this useful. 🙂
All the best to all students preparing for #Exams #examwarriors
#NEETPG2022 #UPSC2022

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