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Sep 17th 2022
1) Its NEET PG time and midrankers and fresh candidates will have a collective meltdown once again.

So I have a new thread, fresh from the oven for all these people.

Keep reading.
2) If you are a midranker --> you get a maximum of 7 days to decide whether you want to continue counselling or not.

Thats it.


If you have decided to continue counselling, forget about the next NEET.

Take whatever you get and leave the rat race.
3) If you decide to try one more time --> at the end of 7 days --> stop worrying about counselling and what you are getting in R1 etc etc.

If you manage to get the subject of choice in a not so favourite institute --> you get 1 day only to confirm your decision to take it up.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
1/Hello all,Good morning! Happy independence week🇮🇳🎉🎊
Got a beautiful chest teaching case 👇🏻Xray ▶️CT ▶️HPE

🛑27 year old female came with h/o chest discomfort, breathing difficulty, cough x 1 week

Lets breakdown it✍️📝 🔥
#radres #chestrad #Pulmonology #MedTwitter #FOAMrad Image
2/ Frontal CXR shows homogenous opacity in R.mid & lower zone in paravertebral region
❇️It has well defined superior,inferior&lateral borders, medial border is merged with mediastinum(incomplete border sign)
♉️Opacity has Broad base contact with mediastinum s/o mediastinal origin Image
❇️Lung lesion will be covered by lung margins all side(not always) & form an acute angle with meds
♉️Normal silhouette of right heart border is seen (neg silhouette sign) s/o lesion not in ant med
🉑Hilar vessels are seen coursing through the opacity (Hilum overlay sign +ve) ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear plea seeking directions to conduct special stray round in #NEETPG counselling for vacant seats.
Bench to ASG Balbir Singh: Don’t treat it and consider as an adversarial litigation. Don’t stand on technicalities. Its a question of 1456 medical seats. Government wants doctors of all kinds. They can serve the nation. These are not small number of seats.
Bench: We have read from the news paper that the counselling cannot be done as the site is closed. We are concerned about the nation. When we get 1400 PG doctors, it will be in larger interest also.
Read 29 tweets
May 12th 2022
#MentalHealth of #MedicalStudents
The least we can expect is that medical fraternity does not make a mockery of the individual struggles that a person might be having.
You never know what a person is going through!
The kind of stories I have personally known have been shocking.
Have had medical students tell me that their friends/seniors from other specialities told them to not start Psychiatric medicines & then those same guys prescribe sleeping pills without even informing the patient
The mental health related stigma is much more amongst medicos than general public.
But what gives me hope is that many newer generation doctors are not afraid of seeking help.
The more we do that, the lesser will be the stigma.
It's okay to be labeled weak by your seniors.
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2022
Dear #NEETPG2022 aspirants, I understand that things are not going great for both the groups- those who want to give exams on time and also for those who want it to be postponed.
This uncertainty can be really frustrating. I don't know how much of this will help but still.. 1/n
Our brains are wired to react to uncertainty with anxiety. As the uncertainty of the scenarios increases, our brains have a tendency to shift control over to the limbic system, the place where emotions, such as anxiety and fear, are generated. 2/n
But “A lot of cognition is really about handling different types of uncertainty,” says MIT Associate professor of brain and cognitive sciences Dr. Michael Halassa.
Let's look at some research backed evidence to help ourselves manage this anxiety about uncertainty!
Read 19 tweets
May 8th 2022
A tiny little thread on #Sleep and #Success!
Let's break some myths. 🙂
"If I sleep less, I will study more!"
But that motivational speaker told me- "Dreams are not what you see during sleep, dreams are things which don't let you sleep!"
Read 7 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
The Supreme Court to hear a petition stating that the ₹8 lakh cut-off for inclusion in the EWS criteria cannot be implemented for NEET PG 2022 since the issue is pending before the top court and would be taken up for hearing in March.

#SupremeCourt #NEETPG2022 #NEETPG #EWS
Matter to be taken up shortly

#SupremeCourt #NEETPG2022 #NEETPG #EWS
ASG KM Natraj: This is EWS matter

Justice DY Chandrachud: we have to post this for hearing

Sr Adv Datar: exams are in May and admissions in June July

SC: We will list this for hearing in April. we have to hear this matter finally
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
#SupremeCourt hearing plea stating since the EWS issue is pending, Rs 8 Lakh criteria for #EWS cannot be implemented for #NEETPG2022 - 23.
Advocate Charu Mathur appearing for the petitioner submitted that the criteria has been implemented and there is no mention of the Dr Nunes matter pending before Supreme Court in the brochure.

J Chandrachud- Why should that be mentioned in a brochure.
J Chandrachud- We'll hear this back in 5 minutes.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear plea stating that ₹8 lakh cut-off for inclusion in the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) criteria cannot be implemented for #NEETPG202223 (NEET PG 2022-23) since EWS issue is pending before SC & would be taken up for hearing in March, 2022 @advocate_tanvi
Dr Charu Mathur requests for Passover

Justice Chandrachud: What is this petition. How can we stop the process ..we will decide the matter in March

Mathur: it's about the window deadline

DYC J: That we cannot stop. If authorities have set out a window then so be it
SC: When we are looking at under Article 32 se will pass directions at appropriate time under the Dr Nunes case

Mathur: but there is no whisper of Dr Nunes in the prospectus of NEET PG 2022 23

SC: Why should the prospectus mention so ?
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear plea by NEET PG 2022 Aspirants move seeking an extension of the May 31,2022, deadline to complete internship since they were in #COVID duties in 2021 & thus their internship has been delayed which is a crucial factor to appear for #NEETPG2022 exam
Centre had earlier decided to postpone the scheduled #NEETPG2022 by four to six weeks. However petitioners argued that the application deadlines too need to be extended
#SupremeCourt @advocate_tanvi
The bench is expected to hear the case at 2 pm.
#NEETPG2022 #SupremeCourt
Read 16 tweets

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