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EMPOWER | Music x Finance x Blockchain @empowerxmusic 🎶 Help artists own their work & get paid Crypto insights, analysis, Web3 #MEXto1 @MultiversX

May 9, 2022, 7 tweets

1/ What else is there to say? #EGLD is bullish through the bear. I'm not worried and U shouldn't be either. Markets MUST 🤮 to get rid of the sickness. Sickness = fake value. Bear markets are 💯 b/c the strong with shine. ✨ @ElrondNetwork is the place to be. 📈🔝💎

2/ Elrond Network #EGLD is net +13% so far today against big dawg #btc - so while your USD value may not be performing ~ideally~, it's the show of strength against #bitcoin that is significant. Think about what this says 🤔 "more people willing to hold/buy #egld isntead of btc."

3/ #EGLD is NOT capitulating, and in fact it is showing real strength at a price the was demanded heavily last Summer 2021.

4/ Demand pushes price to all-time highs, and you see that demand will come again and push once more against the falling trend line resistance. Considering $EGLD token usage and tokenomics alone, I think supply shock is soon to ensure here; perhaps it's already being revealed...

5/ At this point, #EGLD has EVERY reason to capitulate yet it shows strength. At some point, it doesn't matter how "bearish" the market is. At some point there will simply be far too much demand for $EGLD and not nearly enough supply due to how much is out of circulation.

6/ Some people say staking is a trivial utility, but it is far from trivial when the underlying value, utility, use-case of the coin is the *stronger* fundamental. If the underlying tech is worthwhile for that protocol, staking plays a powerful role of incentivized #hodling.

7/ It has always been easier to hold instead of "selling to buy lower", etc. and I'll close with this reminder below: Serious money $$$ has entered $EGLD, and @skynetEGLDcap is only ONE example. @binance runs several nodes alone. $EGLD will be huge. 🔥 NFA…

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