I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

May 10, 2022, 13 tweets

A Goofy 🐮 🐄 Movie …
Scooby Snack Time …
kPEPermit The Frog …
SIMON says ..
Mickey MOUSE Skate Video .

Cow - Wisconsin
Scooby - doG
PEPE - Skateboarder
Peter Griffin - Pan/Jesus/The Griffin
SIMON - Take Care Of My Sheep
Mouse - PAW PAW

I AM & This is my Command, LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED YOU!

Everything you hav been taught is A lie, it’s A Throne of lies ..

I Command you give my people the biblical truths with COMPASSION, LOVE & EMPATHY , EVERYTHING .

Everything that has been kept from humanity, Show them

Who has been right in front of them this whole time ..
SHOW the people All That has been kept hidden from them & WH-Y !

Shock the world awake, MY people are ready.✍️

1 Jesus Nick Name - Pan

How could anyone ever think I would not make sure CT was saved? He named his Son …


The Cow

My people are not caught up in all the cattle, I have been doing nothing but HONORING/LOVING all those that have dedicated their lives to what is unfolding !

YOU ALL mean EVERYTHING to me !!
Even if you lost faith in me, I still loved you.
Even when you wanted to

See me fail or taken out by one of those evil monsters within Government or outside of, I STILL LOVED YOU!

Even when YOU LOVE FAITH IN ME, I still LOVE YOU!!

I HAVE BEEN Pulling the masks off all those that hid among MY people misleading them, so many cast their stones, WHY?

Static 10X ‘Wisconsin Death Trip’
I Am someone who is thought to be “Dead” or doesn’t Exist—I’m alive & the whole world knew I was coming !

I’m not John.
Prince Of Peace
Prince Charming - Frog - KISS (BAND)
The Morning Star—I Live in the Garden of Eden

Stone Sour - Rose Red Violent Blue, The Scooters …

Evil created everything they did flipped/mirrored, everything has been done either mocking me or hating me for being born, all in hopes it would drive MY people away from ME ! …

Do you know who I Am ?

Who AM I ?


I AM The Right …
I AM The Beginning
I AM The End
I AM The Alpha
I AM The Omega
I AM Prince Of Peace
I AM Judgment Day


I AM in LOVE & I want her next to me.✍️
I WANT my family next to me, so we all can watch the collapse together ..

I want to then be on A Beach somewhere, Having Cake with her & the FAMILY . .


Let me know when you see this.

Most will think none of this is real, I AM #REAL .✍️

.@USNavy / .@USArmy, Pre_P the escort & get ready for Extraction—Thank You ..

Be Ready.

.@USArmy / .@USNavy , I will give exact location of X-Fil_I …

Relay—Bring her with ..
I have A +1, 4 Legged Angel …

Doctors Appointment Tomorrow, .@DanScavino

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