Dan Sohege 🧡 Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in refugee protection, human rights & immigration. Also tweeting about autism and LGBTQI+. Personal account. My views only

May 10, 2022, 6 tweets

The @ukhomeoffice has released its guidance and information relating to Rwanda and to say it is a hot mess is offensive to other hot messes. Ignores human rights abuses, dismisses the LGBTQ+ community and gender based violence and more. #r4today 1/ gov.uk/government/pub…

There are very real concerns regarding illegal detention, torture and forced disappearances Rwanda, hence why the UK receives Rwandan refugees, which the @ukhomeoffice breezes past in its analysis of the country. 2/

Sorry @ukhomeoffice what exactly is this? "We know of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, but as we think it is mainly against trans individuals that's fine". Really embedding transphobia. Not to mention the de-facto criminalisation of the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. 3/

Despite the Home Office's rather lackluster considerations, to put it mildly, about the risks of Gender Based Violence, the UN has a different view, with it seem as prevalent, serious and including assault of minors and forced labour. 4/


Trafficking is such a risk that only last year the UK'S International Ambassador for Human Rights, Rita French, expressed concern at the lack of support for those vulnerable to traffickers'. 5/


The whole document is packed with inconsistencies, and just plain falsehoods. The #RwandaMigrationPlan demonstrably puts lives at risk and the @ukhomeoffice appears to not just ignore that, but actively attempt to cover it up. 6/

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