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AusPolMate - Time for a break

May 16, 2022, 44 tweets

1/🧵#Robodebt origins, background & myth/lie buster
This thread will bust the offensive & ignorant lies that have linked Robodebt to Labor.
“One thing that stands out... distress, including suicidal ideation and in some cases suicide”
- Federal Court Justice Bernard Murphy.

Scott Morrison settled the class action the day prior the court case. We never got to hear the truth.
Justice Bernard Murphy who presided over the settlement has very scathing comments to make, including “It’s a very sorry chapter in Australian public administration”

First up, let’s deal with ‘Data Matching’, there are literally dozens of data matching activities occurring in Centrelink. The list below from a 2012 Aust Inst of Criminology shows some of them. In yellow is the data matching program that became RoboDebt

DHS/Services Australia submission to the Senate Inquiry explained what Robodebt was & wasn’t. Relevant excerpts below.
A. Makes clear it isn’t the legislated data matching program that uses the TFN
B. Explains it was the creation of PAYG that made the data matching possible.

C. Tells us it was first funded in 2000/01 and it worked by finding anomalies that were then reviewed (Robodebt removed the review step)
D. Makes clear the program has continued to run since its full deployment in 2004
E. Data matching process deployed in 2004 remain unchanged

In 2004 the government notified the public (Gazette) of the data matching Program. This 2004 gazette notice is for the PAYG data match program and process that became/evolved/re-purposed into Robodebt

The PAYG data matching protocols, stated
A. It isn’t the Legislated TFN data matching
B. explain what data matching is and;
C. explains the reason for the data matching.
D. explains the objectives, including prosecutions where appropriate

In the Senate inquiry the Liberals explain what the term Robodebt applied to, limiting it to the Online Compliance Initiative (OCI). Liberals complain about the confusion caused by the term Robodebt, but they misuse official govt websites to deflect Robodebt to Labor

Other official government bodies also repeat the same facts. The Robodebt algorithm began in 2004 and the process did not changing until the OCI project in 2015.

Computerised Data Matching began in the late 1970’s (see pic) and manual Data Matching can be traced back even further.
A spooky promotion for S.Morrison was gazetted in 1995 in the data matching branch. Note the TFN datamatching program recruiting.

The earliest complaint about an error arising from data matching occurred in 1979 and captured in the 1,300 pg ALRC report (1983). The creation of Robodebt was done against 50 years of warnings & evidence of the consequence from Data Matching errors

The error (in red box) arose from a mismatch of names. It may seem insignificant, however it caused stress to the person who was told they were no longer entitled to a pension. For 50 years there have been errors in Data Matching, Robodebt ignored 50 years of evidence.

As far back as 1968 the dangers of relying on computers for decisions were raised in parliament. In this instance it was during the debate on compulsory National Service.

Australia, through government science agencies and universities had been taking Australia forward at a rapid pace. By the time the time those words of caution were spoken in parliament, Australia had over 700 installed computer systems.

Australia (post 1901) created its 1st Social Security entitlement in 1908 with the Invalid & old-age pension Act.
Penalties for fraud included up to 5 yrs in jail for false information or 1 yr for not providing requested information.
Note the exclusion of First Nations people

For interest I tried to find early examples of ‘Data Matching’. IMO it's likely the case of a woman splitting her savings b/w two banks to meet the asset threshold limit could be the first instance of ‘Data Matching’ albeit manually. Original and Digitally Reproduced below.

We have seen that Robodebt evolved from Data Matching program that began in 2,000 (Pilot) & 2004 (Full rollout).
Additionally we have the context required to understand both the significant changes made by Labor and the monumental screw ups by the Liberals

Moving back to more recent/related history. A fascinating survey by the Australian Institute of Criminology show a $1,000 social security fraud was considered worse than $5,000 of tax evasion. Disturbingly wife and child bashing were less seriousness than Armed robbery.

Social Security laws are 1,000+ pgs, these are coded into a Model 204 system installed in 1984/9. The project was called StratPlan. Used in US Dept of Defence, it’s been described as the biggest installation of an M204 in the world.

It’s worth noting the level of transparency of the StratPlan project. Very detailed information including weekly project charts were made available. The governance required to manage the project is awe inspiring

The 80’s saw a heightened concern about the privacy and intrusion of government. A 1985 tax summit produced the idea of an Australia Card that would be used to stamp out fraud. This did not eventuate after community backlash was growing and civil liberty groups.

The problem of fraud remained. An expansion of the Tax File Number received support, but only with very strict laws protecting privacy and its use. Additionally, the office of the Information Commissioner was created.

The Privacy Commissioner literally described the risk that Robodebt developed. "if there is an anomaly there is a presumption that the person is guilty and the onus is usually on the person to prove innocence". Every government heeded that warning until Morrison got power

The issue of “presumption of guilt” was covered in the news. “Concerns about data-matching noted in the report include fears that a data-matching hit may lead to an assumption of guilt”
By comparison, the same news outlet barely criticises the govt for Robodebt. MSM is broken

The Privacy Commissioners 1992 Annual report into the operation of the privacy act identified over 20 non TFN Data Matching programs.
REPEAT: 20+ Data Matching programs in 1992

The privacy commissioner developed guidelines to cover all ‘non- TFN’ data matching programs. These have not been limited to govt dept’s. Examples include eBay data matching commencing in 2014 to check if ppl weren’t declaring income.

Data matching programs have covered many areas, from Adult Services (2005) to Land Titles (2009). I wouldn’t be surprised if there is any Australian who has not been data matched at some point.

Another myth about Labor was they pioneered garnishing. Garnishing as a result of data matching programs has been a common feature of data matching for 25 years. The 2004 Data Matching program that became Robodebt used garnishing.

Howard made Centrelink obtain funding from the agencies it was supporting. Until this point all KPI’s were for service to people (phone call time, first time resolution, etc.) Centrelink’s concern was now funding centric. The Liberals made what I think is the worst ever KPI.

Making Centrelink reach a target of 4,000 prosecution referrals resulted in chasing easy/small overpayments and not waste time on complex fraud cases. I liken it to early convict ship being paid per person and not per person alive.

As part of Labor’s ‘Whole of Govt’ policy, the target was removed & funding returned to annual appropriations.
Prosecutions dropped by ~3,000, staff worked to help ppl pay, & focused on complex fraud. Money recouped remained the same. 10K+ ppl were saved from criminal charges

The ANAO detailed the changes made by Labor and described the policy was built on the assumption most people want to do the right thing. The 2010-11 report captured this attitude in the pyramid picture below.

A terrific analysis by Scarlet Wilcock as part of her Doctor of Philosophy capture the truth in its pure horror.
Interviewing Centrelink staff, she was told that staff chased easy and low value debts to meet targets

Another analysis conducted by the University of Wollongong highlighted Labors “Whole of Government” policy. The study highlighted the consequences from the Liberal party’s prosecution focused policy

The changes made by Labor can be seen in the feedback received and captured in the Centrelink Annual Report. The ‘Helping to prevent debts’ resulted in staff being thanked.

The ‘Early Intervention’ was welcomed by staff along with the customers. The changes were hard to implement, with entire teams of staff no longer being focused on prosecution processing. The change also saw new teams created with specialised skills in complex investigation

The senate committee looking into Robodebt was continuously frustrated by the government claiming public interest immunity over the documents. One nuclear grade lie was that it was established practise for legal documents to be given immunity.

The official Senate practise expressly says the opposite. The Liberals simply disregard evidence, truth, facts, and democratic conventions. Hiding the truth from people whose lives have been destroyed is the act of an awful abusive government.

The approach to Social Security is highlighted by the Liberals choice to bully, scare, frighten and dehumanise the process.
Using the Federal Policy logo on the letter was inappropriate & misleading. Then engaging via tweet instead of having staff being available to talk.

Two very brave mothers wrote submissions to the Senate about their boys suicides. Included are the letters & how the Hansard record.
It doesn’t take an empathy coach to know that Rbodebt would do to the vulnerable
Note the Liberals tried to stop the 2nd letter being read

Because the Liberals refuse transparency the victims have been denied the truth about suicides.
We know how many people died within a short period after getting a Robodebt letter.
As described earlier there were 3 phases OCI, EIC & CUPI.
The only answers provided show;

Post OCO - 235 Died
Post EIC - 2030 Died
Post CUPI - No Info
It is absurd that Scott Morrison and the Liberals have refused to allow the truth to be known


Robodebt is 100% the creation of Scott Morrison and the Liberals.
To say anything else is offensive to the victims families and loved ones.
#ScottyTheBully #RobodebtRoyalCommission #AlboForPM

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