Paul Maidowski Profile picture
Solar PV, climate policy, bamboo analysis/consulting. Language, systems. Fletcher/Fulbright. d|e|f|i|中 围棋

May 16, 2022, 5 tweets

Con gusto. New links to observe how the Arctic sea ice (#BOE) and Greenland ice sheet (#GIS) export fresh cold water to the Atlantic. How long until the AMOC tips and shuts down, accelerating warming and sea level rise?…
Hansen 2016…

Monsoons. Note what mental contortions the authors perform under the absurd @Peters_Glen @hausfath @MLiebreich crusade against #RCP85. Have we stopped this nonsense yet?…

@climate_ice, is GIS subglacial methane cycling accelerating?…

@Peters_Glen @hausfath @MLiebreich @climate_ice This really isn't hard. Please focus and do science that matters if you can. We need your support.

“These conclusions are not news; they were all included in a paper that we and other colleagues at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies wrote in 1989.” etc., Hansen & Sato

We are fast running out of time. What you do now matters more than at any other point in history.

It has been clear for years that ice melt is faster than the worst-case scenarios considered by the IPCC (RCP8.5). This is important: if the IPCC underestimates how early and severely climate impacts will hit us, then states and markets globally systematically underestimate risk.

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