Alexander B. Howard Profile picture
🛠️Dad, cyclist, citizen 💡🤳Author @CivicTexts: ☀️ Advocate @OpenGov 🇺🇸Editor @ePluribusUnum 📲4108499808

May 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Hard to believe it’s been more than 12 years since @pahlkadot founded @codeforamerica:… I’m excited to learn about what @AmandaRenteria & team do next.

If you’re going to be at #CFASummit tomorrow & want to talk about #civictech & #opengov, pls reach out.

“We are designing for our shared humanity, in a world that sometimes feels like we’ve lost sight of it”-@AmandaRenteria:
Meet people where they are.
Understand their experiences,
Gove public servants what they need to service the public.
#cfasummit #civictech

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.” ~President Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 1945, as quoted by @AmandaRenteria.

#cfasummit #civictech

Key insight from @AmandaRenteria: Building out civic services *with* the communities they serve based on their lived experiences is an investment in trust & equitable, effective delivery.
(Applies to journalism, too.)

“Govt has to deliver for you to believe in it.”


Learning about a new “opportunity accelerator” at #CFAsummit focused on helping governments to improve economic mobility, reduce racial disparities in outcomes from programs, & improve the structural wellbeing of residents.

5 community pilots at launch:…

We empower people by helping them be a part of the solution, says @Ivey2020, distilling why co-design was central to serving a community. (Parallel to why #opengov “action plans” should be co-created *with* civil society, not black boxes behind government firewalls.) #cfasummit

Notable takeaways from @GeneSperling46 at #cfasummit:
-No “1st come, 1st served” programs (Cf. vaccine websites)
-Every program for low-income Americans needs navigators, not just the ACA
-work with advocacy community & cultivate feedback loops to gauge if services are working

The @vp thanked @codeforamerica for its work during the pandemic, & encouraged attendees of #cfasummit to call a phone number or visit as if this was a PSA for the general public. (Odd not to recruit for @usds @USDigitalCorps @18F

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